Bringing Agile to Organizations not Built for Agility

At the PMI Agile Forum - Mike shares his experiences from across industries, organizational structures, and working with companies that are at different states of agility. This talk takes a deep dive into the challenges of bringing agile into organizations that aren't built for agility and the challenges of Agile/Waterfall Hybrid projects.

0:00 Intro
10:08 Agile Methodologies
17:30 The Four Quadrants
42:22 Infrastructure and Software
50:25 Scope, Time, Cost
1:04:30 Q&A

コメント (9)
  • @LeadingAgile, I like Mike Cottmeyer a lot. I've watched many of his videos, and follow him on various forms of social media. However, I am concerned with this statement, "We've been noodling around on this idea for a couple of years; we call it 4 quadrants." This is Cynefin at its core. Snowden and IBM pioneered Cynefin work in the late 90s. Neither Version One nor LeadingAgile are responsible for Cynefin. I certainly appreciate how Mike has taken the core tenets of Cynefin and directly made it pragmatic for various software development/project management scenarios, such as uncertainty in an non-deterministic environment, or predictability in deterministic environments. But I think it would have been a bit more ingenuous to present this as something along the lines of "Cynefin & how it can be directly applied to project management."
  • It would be really awesome if you repeated the question or statement for those of us listening to the recording at a later time. Sessions are very valuable. Thanks
  • A lot of great information which could be very helpful for framing conversations in traditional organizations. The first audience comment was reiterated, but the rest were not. "A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources." ( The root of many problems. I would disagree that "agile's home base" is in the AC quadrant as it also works very well in AE. It can be applied in PC, but often loses much of its value due to contradictions to the values and principles ( +1zillion Irrational thought and lack of trust.
  • PM’s sitting around complaining about Agile - well, that’s certainly new and worth an hour plus. 😏