Trucks: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver explains how truck drivers get paid, how they often don’t, and how companies exploit them to increase profits.

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コメント (21)
  • Every time there's talk of a "shortage" of workers in an industry, it's because that industry treats its workers like garbage.
  • As a truck driver of 15 years, this is the most accurate reporting of trucker life by far, thanks for educating and entertaining the public with this reporting John.
  • I never ever take the talk of "shortages" of workers seriously. Never. What it really means is, " We treat our workers terribly" and/or " We can't be bothered to train anyone". It always breaks down to those 2 things.
  • It never ceases to amaze me how well this country gets away with pushing the consequences of shitty systems onto its poorest citizens.
  • @mk-lk7gi
    Unions are like condoms, if someone is trying hard to convince you that you don't need one, you definitely need one.
  • The answer to, “people won’t work” is almost always “pay them more”
  • I have been a OTR truck driver for 22 years. In that time, I have spent 80% of my life living in a truck. I have never had a dispatcher that doesn't wish it was 95%. Lol You have to understand, these dispatchers have been office workers their entire adult lives. They have no idea what we have to do out here to survive.
  • "...What is it, 10 degrees? That'll wake you right up..." Biology would like to speak to the manager...
  • I'm not a trucker but the "independent contractor" problem extends to MANY other industries as well and probably warrants its own segment.
  • As someone who is in this industry. This is depressingly accurate.
  • to quote Tennesse Ernest Ford: "You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go I owe my soul to the company store"
  • My dad is a trucker, long haul. We're Canadian, and a lot of what he said applies to him too. It's madness. As my dad likes to say: if you bought it, a truck brought it. We need our truckers and we need to treat them better
  • There could be an entire episode on independent contractors. One of the biggest labor scams in the country
  • Sadly, there is no driver shortage, only a shortage of trucking jobs that pay a living wage.
  • Only if there was a way for a group of workers that perform the same job to get organized and protect themselves from unscrupulous employers
  • @Diesel-D
    I drove truck for 30 years , and freakin Loved it and miss it and I truly belive it was because I was a TEAMSTER DRIVER. DEREGULATION FUCKED TRUCKING UP ! And John is telling you why the industry scumbags can’t keep drivers ! Lol John nailed the dispatchers !
  • Oh yay! A Last Week Tonight episode about my job! I'm sure this won't be depressingly accurate!
  • "independent contractors" really should be looked into. From WWE to truckers, it stops a lot of workers from getting what they deserve.
  • @phox1515
    Finally someone famous understands. The problems we drivers face will never go away thanks to the lobbyists who have the interests of the shipper, receiver and carriers in mind. That TV show would be entertaining though.
  • Official petition for a Last Week Tonight 'Don't confront me with the potentially lethal consequences of my decision making until after I've had my coffee' mug.