Sleep: Why We Need It and What Happens Without It

What happens when you don't sleep? And why do we need to do it anyways? Hank explains the science of sleep: the cause, the benefits, and who holds the record for going without it!

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コメント (21)
  • "this is what makes you feel rested when you wake up".....bro when i wake up i feel like i just came back from the dead
  • Once, after not sleeping for a night, after making cereal, I put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the closet. As soon as I realized, I took them out.... Then I put them in the wrong spot... Again.
  • @Yetaxa
    I'm sitting in my bed, very thirsty (and so probably dehydrated) at 3 am finding out all the ways I'm gonna die a slow and horrible death. This is great for my anxiety.
  • BuzzFeed's video "What It's Like To Have Insomnia" at 1:31 says "Science has not proven the biological need for sleep." ...this is yet another reason I hate BuzzFeed
  • @zephyrfyr
    So basically, I shouldn't be watching this video at 3am right?
  • Whenever I stay up past 24hr, I get really paranoid. I always think I see something out the corner of my eye.
  • @ReoHimZ
    Im watching this to go to sleep.
  • I stayed awake for about 5 days once. It was surreal. Brain became increasingly dysfunctional and there were times while I was working that I wasn't really sure if I was conscious or not. But I was submitting work about every two hours during the five days, so apparently I was conscious. After the first full day I took a break from working to work out(not sure why I didn't opt to sleep, that was incredibly stupid), but I couldn't muster the energy on subsequent days. I definitely lapsed involuntarily on several occasions during days 3 and 4 for brief periods of time(5 or 6 minutes at the most). It took about three days to get back to sleeping a normal amount(slept about 14 hours, then 12 hours, then 10). Which is apparently about how long it took Gardner. But it took another day or two to not feel emotionally and psychologically drained. I wouldn't recommend it.
  • Wait - you feel rested after you've slept? I've been doing something wrong 😂
  • @anzwertree
    Have you ever been so tired you could not sleep? Strange feeling. Anyway, here I am once again past 1AM in the morning watching a video outlining the importance of sleep. Go home, irony. You are drunk. Or possibly sleep deprived. Now that I think about it, somebody should get the keys from irony. He should not be driving right now. 
  • It would be really interesting if they did a memory study comparing those who prefer to be awake at night and those who prefer to be awake during the day.
  • @oxy6233
    I haven't woken up and felt "well rested" in years, I wake up feeling worse than when I went to bed. anyone else like this? I only fully wake up at about 6PM
  • I'm a recovering heroin addict and when i finally quit cold turkey i didn't sleep for 20 days straight. I think the only thing that helped me was resting pretty much the entire time. I would lay down to go to sleep, but my mind/body wouldn't let it happen (and RLS). BUT, i was still laying their barely thinking just lost in thought for the entire night. Granted i was a tragic mess it never felt like my body was about to turn off. Albeit it was the worst experience of my life and wouldn't wish it on anyone, I got through it and finally slept a few hours on the 21st day of sobriety.
  • Makes me think about the 18 year-old Taiwanese guy, who sat and played Diablo III for 40 hours straight... got up, and died on the spot. The urge to be ahead of all his fellow mmorpg players ended up putting him... well, dead last (or make that 'dead first'?)
  • @jrock1592
    Try having insomnia, I once stayed up for 5 days and by the end of it I was convinced I was part of the MKUltra experiments and that I was the one who killed JFK