The Counterfeit Unity - End Times Deception #ecumenism #jesusiscoming #endtimes

A video where I try to explain why Ecumenism is a false unity. Not sure I did the best job but I hope you get the idea.

We have to be wise as serpents but innocent as doves. There so much deception these days. Never trust man. Take everything to the Lord and do your own research. It's hard not to get tired of it all but thanks to the Lord who sustains us and gives us peace. Praise Lord Jesus!

Here is a link with more information about the inter-faith agreement signed by the Pope:…

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, then today is the perfect day to make that change. Recognise that we all fall short of the glory of God because we have sinned. Sin separates us from our Heavenly Father but He made a way to reconcile us back to Him.

Believe with all you heart that Jesus is the Son of God who came to the world and lived the sinless life that we are unable to. He died for on the cross, taking the punishment for our sins, he was buried and three days later was resurrected, gaining victory over the curse of sin and death. The atoning blood He shed has the power to wash way your entire life’s sin record enabling us to be able to enter into the presence of a holy God.

Call on Him, confess with a truly repentant heart and ask Him to send you The Holy Spirit to be your helper. He will forgive you and make you into a new creation, a child of God, joint heirs with Christ to the kingdom that is coming soon. This is a free gift by the grace or our almighty God.Becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is the most important decision that anyone can make in this short lifetime. He will bless you in ways you never imagined. The road is narrow and Jesus is the only way.

Acts 4:12
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

1 Corinthians 15:3-4
"For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,"


#ecumenism #jesusiscoming #endtimes

コメント (8)
  • I appreciate your courage…Thank you for speaking such bold Truth. The Lord bless you, cover you under the shelter of His wings and send your message forth to hungry, inquiring hearts.
  • Dear sister Debbie, Everything you say in this vid is true, and your keen discernment for one so young in the Lord is beautiful. I thank the Lord. It is a glorious illustration of how our Heavenly Father works, especially now in these end times. Your giftings of painting and artistic expression is just breathtaking. I’m sitting here in awe. The contrast of the old life verses the radiant new life in Christ Jesus, wow! A picture of the millennial reign. Thank you so much for sharing what the Lord shows you, for your bible studies and words from the Lord. It truly helps me feel not so alone in seeing these things come to pass. It’s grown challenging to know how to interact with professing believers who do not see what is happening and/or do not care. It is hard to relate that they have no interest in God’s Word or the Truth. The basis of fellowship in the spirit, God’s Word and way is missing, like a big empty void of vanity. Yet remains the elephant in the proverbial living room. This world is not our home, amen. See you in the clouds, dear sis Lord willing! God Bless you.
  • @liern5771
    Thank you for sharing this message. 😢
  • @leemartin7125
    💌So very grateful for your biblically sound Discernment - thank you for your faithfulness! I look forward to your relevant postings…Today’s NEWS headlines are undeniably Bible ‘End-Times’ prophesies unfolding before this Generation’s eyes! Keep sounding Heaven’s clarion-call “Be ready…Time is near! John 10:27– “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”