Left Cloud BEATS Right Cloud. Yes, really.

Publicado 2022-12-04
I hate it when tier lists combine the two Clouds.
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I've been using Cloud for years, and I feel like I've always been somewhat aware something was off about Cross Slash. But once I really started to think about it, and look into it, things only got weirder. Before I knew it, I was obsessed with this beautiful, ridiculous move. So today, let's take a look at the only asymmetrical attack in Smash, and all of its very very silly implications.

Source gaming interview:
Cloud meme source:
Big knight small knight meme artwork source:

Thanks to Thor and Hindsight for playing Cloud dittos with me for this video!
Also thanks to Doog, Flameburst97 & MoonBear for the quality gameplay footage

Music used:
Jake Kaufman - Herbal Empire
various songs from the Transport Tycoon 2014 Soundtrack as usual!
Jake Kaufman - Chefinoff
Jake Kaufman - Lab 1 (Double Dragon 2 - Mission 1)
MvC2 - Training Mode
Slime Rancher - Viktor's Workshop Theme
Street Fighter 6 - E. Honda's Theme: Kumadori
Jake Kaufman - Unreleased 3DS Game from Choice Nuggets
RoR2 - Out of Whose Womb Came the Ice
Slime Rancher - Dry Reef Theme
Kevin MacLeod - Open Those Bright Eyes
pikuniku - Free Money!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Sephiroth's single orb shadow flare always strikes from the right so if you have a reflector it's advantageous to be to the left of him so a reflected orb can hit him
  • @jack.h99
    The year is 20FF. Everyone plays Cloud at TAS levels of perfection. Because of this, the winner of a match depends on who starts on the left side of the stage.
  • @broski7792
    I spend hours in the lab and I found a neat Right Cloud tech that is the ultimate counterplay. If you push the stick to the right, Cloud will do this weird animation that I like to call "turning around". He'll enter a state where his side-b hitbox gets altered and it might be just as good as Left Cloud's.
  • This is beautiful It almost makes me want to analyze hundreds of tournament matches and create a comprehensive list of every time the side that Cloud is on has mattered
  • I cannot possibly express my enjoyment that I have finally found another fish spatula enjoyer. Best kitchen tool hands down. Also your comedic style is still amazing good stuff.
  • @Frustracean
    Apparently the mold rating thing refers to the Howard Mold Count method, which basically boils down to "if I take a sample and split it into 50 pieces, how many of them have any mold in them?" So 75% would be something like "38 of these sub-samples have mold in them." Less distressing than the jam literally being 75% mold, but honestly still pretty hard core. I learned this specifically because of this video. Right Cloud gang.
  • @rayandthejets
    Left cloud? Right cloud? The only Cloud I know is the one on Yoshi's Story.
  • @mrbister8714
    Thank you WhyDo, as a Cloud player I can now blame all my losses on my spawn position instead of my own lack of skill!
  • @yama8483
    As a proud member of the Elite "knew about left vs right Cloud since Smash 4" group, here is a hilarious trivia fact Cloud actually writes the kanji with a completely wrong stroke order in both the original Final Fantasy VII and in the Remake, as he finishes it off with the x in the middle, rather than the box, which is the correct version; a fact that Sakurai himself explicitly pointed out when discussing Cloud's implementation previously, but decided to have Cloud use correct caligraphy in his game because he wanted correct caligraphy regardless
  • Makes so much more sense, I’ve been losing to my friend cause I play right cloud, thank you so much for the advice
  • @ollie7205
    1:00 left cloud, right cloud, can we just appreciate this hard ass read?
  • @qwerwert2739
    I haven’t started the video, but I am very excited to figure out how in the world this could be 15 minutes long
  • “but this is smash brothers, and we know things can never be that simple”
  • @GoldDragon20
    God, this makes so much sense from the writing standpoint but hurts from a gameplay standpoint
  • @bredceo
    I personally like SoundCloud
  • @rust454
    Always love how the pacing and quality of jokes in your videos on extremely obscure topics make it feel like I didn't just spend 15 minutes watching a video about the hitboxes of a singular move. I will now spread this cursed knowledge to everyone I know.
  • @blackmailed1072
    This is the best way to gaslight your Cloud "friends", thanks WhyDo.
  • @patroka
    I took some Japanese classes, and I can testify that they care a whole lot about stroke order in those types of languages. So this actually doesn’t really surprise me, actually