Jordan Peterson – An Antidote to Empathy

Published 2021-06-07
Jordan Peterson’s content makes other people miserable. He does not care about minorities at all and actually harms them with anti-social statements and implications.


0:00 – Introduction
2:55 – Bill C-16
9:50 – The Conspiracy of the Radical Left
16:10 – Activism
22:41 – Women
29:37 – Peterstein’s Monster
34:00 – Conclusion

All quotes taken from:

Jordan Peterson – 12 Rules For Life (Kindle Edition)
Transcript of his deleted YouTube-video on Bill C-16:…

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Music: Donkey Kong’s Country 2 – Diddy’s Kong Quest – Official Soundtrack

All Comments (21)
  • I don't remember Bernard Marx, former firefighter, in Orwell's "1948". I'll have to read that book again. Whilst I'm at it, I'll reread "Brave New Word" and "Fahrenheit 7-11". Classics.
  • @mikenaw4055
    The irony of JP using his wealth and connections to kick a life threatening drug addiction
  • @occamsblazer25
    I appreciate the DKC2 soundtrack in the back, very cool vid my dude.
  • @ebony9687
    'What's the purpose of makeup? Why do you make your lips red because they turn red during sexual arousal'. This video did a great job outlining all the reasons why someone might wear makeup. But just piggy back off that. Jordan is indeed wrong, but also on a historical level. I'm so disappointed that he clearly did not do much researching concerning the wide spectrum of reasons on why women (and men) have turned to cosmetics. Of course there are women who used it for for vanity reasons (they may want to look appealing for a potential mate or just because they want to look nice for their own amusement). However, makeup has also historically been used as a form of artistic self expression that is not based on sexual appeal (Mary Quant cosmetics became known for a look where a small daisy was applied near one eye). Jordan seems to sidestep the fact that makeup has a interesting and wide ranging history. (As early as 4000 BCE men in Ancient Egypt wore green eyeshadow). There many historic examples I could defer to but I'd be writing an entire essay (it is also all available with a Google search, I guess Jordan dies not want to be confronted with anything that might challenge his views). It makes me incredibly sad that Jordan has reduced an art form that was and is still adopted as a form of self discovery and individual self expression (for example look at branding and makeup application on notable stars such as David Bowie and Lady Gaga) to 'women only wear makeup for men'. It's so arrogant on his part and frankly it is historically illiterate. P.S. There is nothing wrong with women wanting to look appealing for a potential partner, it should never be used a justification for sexual harassment, Jordan.
  • @melphillips1608
    Some ppl have addiction problems rich, or poor. How many celeb and/or millionaire stories of drugs etc. I figure some ppl just get into those things. Regardless of where they are on this so called hierarchy.
  • 27:12 I think it’s more that he has this Kew of what will happen/is happenimg He said other things to the effect of I think it being also a positive influence workforce wise kr whatever He doesn’t have control personally
  • I'm very glad to have found this channel, looking forward to see you grow in popularity
  • @thedog5k
    13:30 Oh this is just ripe " because they have progressed" WHAT????? Yea.. no. It's more like thin social contracts, and threat of violence.
  • Dude that the first claim is the most obvious ridiculous thing ever. If that claim is true, how did people ever discover something? I mean unless somebody wants to argue that at a certain point all the original good ideas had been done,, but before that, you could have original thoughts. This also doesn't make sense, since it narcissistically assumes that humans couldn't have an even better thought. I'm no enlightenment teleological thinker. But I do believe that societies can in proof if people engage and try and what not. But it is not a given. I kinda want to make a broader point here. I am a more socialistic-leaning person, but your shit is complex. Regardless, whenever people ask these questions like where did this ever work? First of all, you have the reference to countries with a mixed economy in which certain social policies went well, and other things were more market or whatever. But the more fundamental important thing is, that it's just pathetic Like the claim basically amounts to the supremacy of certain knowledge, but that also means you are just not interested in taking that any further, like lacking ambition. Just jerking off to old shit, and trying to gain clout by association. My point was going to be, every great thing that ever happened- of course revolutions in the past and states did horrible things concerning our morals standards today,. Guys like Stalin, Mao, but I mean I think you could put America as a whole on that list. I mean where all the indigenous people. How were the slaves doing? But the point is, regardless of the morality of it, it was an extremely unrealistic undertaking, and it worked out. Now imagine being a guy like Washington Lenin or whatever, and some guys walk-ups to you like we can't make a republic when did this ever work? Well, the Republic of the Netherlands, or Venice? No those things are in fact not real Republics, and also they do terrible things. Or a socialistic Republic has never worked, which wouldn't count for Mao, but still, his prospects were really bleak at certain points, Whatever. That would have been ridiculous of course, but when you're like, aye let's get some humanity and democratic socialism, and a wage system that discourses extreme disparities in the outcome. Acknowledge the humanity of each other. You get the, well this has never worked it's impossible. I mean think about all the things humans are capable of doing today, and you honestly don't believe that a just society could be organized. I think you just lack empathy and ambition. Who said something will be easy, but it will be the just thing. And also that people don't take into account which societies had attempted anything like socialism. They had imperial, emperor politics, foreign invasion, civil wars, world wars, and then you expect the warrior party, which claims socialism, to immediately turn in something approximating humane. Like today, in a so-called 'civilized world' were are not capable of turning into a totalitarian nightmare if we attempt to acknowledge that individuality can only exist in a conversation with collectivity, like a mirror. Culture, art whatever. And that this basic 'fact' should human dignity, safety and opportunity to develop individuality, should be our main objective in regards to everything. And this grim view of us turning into a twentieth-century terror machine is just really telling about the faith in people some people have. I mean we will go to Mao mode if we attempt to create a just society. Sorry, this turned into a random-ass tangent. Love the vids, hope you keep doing them. EDIT. Just got the point where you very more briefly than my Peterson-like tangent., made that point. So yeah.
  • @hayk3000
    14:08 Lib take alert I do claim that the hierarchy of having a boss is oppressive. We don't need bosses to "coordinate", we can have... you know... coordinators
  • @delphina2889
    Thank you for covering Peterson's comments about women who wear makeup. I wear makeup and I do not do it to entice the sexual attraction of men, I do it because it makes me feel nice and because it is fun to play with different shades of colours (there's far more different shades of lipstick colour than just red, Jordan). Irregardless, I've been around men whether it be at university, work or just day to day life and I'm happy to report the vast majority of them do not view my makeup as an invitation to make lewd and suggestive remarks. The main issue I have with Jordan's remarks is that he is effectively giving the men who commit sexual harassment a get-out-of-jail-free-card. People are allowed to make slight adjustments to their appearance without fear they're going to fall prey to sexual harassment. The only times where I've either been groped or been the recipient of a sexually charged remark is usually when I've come into contact with a man with no respect for me as a person. The vast majority of men and women know that type of behaviour is wholly unacceptable and so I'm not sure why Jordan seems to think that the people who commit the sexual harassment shouldn't be held to a higher standard. Not to mention the motivation behind sexual harassment is not always sexual, certain predators will harass women because they enjoy watching woman become uncomfortable or because it gives them a sense of power. I would have thought that Jordan would have been aware of this.
  • @thedog5k
    I liked the Ali video, I'm happy there are other people sick of his ( and the million copy pasted prodoctuvity gurus) shit. That being said, chalking up trans issues to being empathetic/non empathetic is so old. Everything comes down to " DOES HE NOT LIKE TRANS PEOPLE?" Yeah man, the. cultural changes happening for a minority of people that chop off their thing is getting old. It's silly.
  • @NicolasLekai
    many old values he promotes are cool...espcially once u have kids...might not be apparent to u yet...yes he can be alarmist, a bit oldschool christian and vague... but he s got some really good points when it comes to family , how religiom relates to us now because of 1000 nds of years of it...and other stuff...and damn he s helped more people for sure than he s hurt... me included , doesn t meam i agree with him about all things...
  • @BubbleZBlofish
    I think someone has missed the point. Taking the useful parts of history and applying them to present day while also improving and progressing in your own right, isn't the same as advocating for the status quo.