Men Denied Marrying Her Due To Complexion, Turns Out She Is The Richest Girl In Town


コメント (21)
  • I Love that in this era that her father acknowledged his child and just went and took his child out of slavery and brought her straight home forsaking all else, standing up for her and what he loves
  • I love that Elizabeth never turned on her Black sister, Dido, in a society, that tells her she is better and afforded more opportunity. Elizabeth saw and treated Dido as her equal and protected her, never making her feel "less than". I fully expected the storyline to have them turn on one another in that societal class and racial divide, but I was pleasantly surprised and touched when they didn't. ❤️❤️
  • I love the way Belle's father loved her mother, truly beautiful 😍
  • The way Belle hit herself and clawed at her face broke my heart 💔. That's deeper than what anyone can imagine.
  • I loved this movie. Dido was described as a beautiful, kind and very witty and she lived a happy life with her husband and children. And to know that she was a real person who as beautiful inside and out who was brave and graceful made my heart glad. I cried at the end. As a mixed race child, this touched my heart. There are so many inspirational women of different races that should be know and Dido Bella was one of them
  • I understand why the father left Elizabeth with nothing. He knew that it would be easy for her to find a husband who will take care of her where dido would have no one. There weren’t black wealthy men around or men that would marry a black woman in their social circle
  • Im a black woman with a white husband with children and i have to say this recap makes me want to watch the movie. I want my kids to see it too. this was beautiful
  • The movie name is Belle, very nice movie, recommend it to anyone who loves pride and prejudice.
  • My wife & I truly enjoyed Belle when it was released. It's a shame it's not made available on a regular basis.
  • This movie ranks higher than several movies following this theme. If you haven't seen it, then you are denying yourself a feast for the soul. Beautiful
  • It's me pretending like I haven't watched this movie 10 times already, for me
  • @jspurs22
    Elizabeth was a real sister to Dido, never dropping ball on her.
  • Love the relationship between Elizabeth and Dido.
  • @trinaq
    I love this movie, one of Gugu's first starring roles, and she knocks it straight out of the alley!
  • Although this is not the type of movie that I prefer..I found myself enjoying the story line of the recap . Only one moment I found fault with was , I thought that James should have been reprimanded for his unjust actions towards Dido .
  • @Lilou_log
    I see everyone praising Elizabeth while dido went through so much it’s her story
  • @talllala
    This movie did the real life of Dido a grave injustice, and needs to be remade in a way that truly reflects her life and the indignities she suffered. It's a disgrace and a derelection of responsibility to portray a true historical figure, especially one of rare mixed parentage in this time period, so untruthfully. I advise everyone to read the Wikipedia about Dido. The real Dido was not loved equally by her family. She was not left any inheritance by her father, and Lord Mansfield left her very little on his death, barely enough to afford a servant of her own. No good marriage was secured for her. She was treated very well in comparison to other children of slaves, but if you read the real history, it becomes apparent that she was still treated as lesser than. She deserved that story of her life to be told truthfully.
  • So what? Does he suppose to marry her for her money and just give her a pity poke when bored? That would destroy her. She is better off alone. Till she finds a grown man with a good head on his shoulders.
  • I wish they portrayed more positive aspects of black history, not just slavery, but to be about veterans, doctors, innovators and inventors, and great people who changed the world with their minds. For example, Robert smalls, or Jimmy Hendricks or Loritta Rice