
Published 2019-08-15
From the album "TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2", a Touhou Project arrangement album in bossa nova style.

Tiny Little Adiantum
Original theme: Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land

Arrangement: Shibayan
Lyrics: milka
Vocal: 3L

iTunes music.apple.com/jp/album/%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%…
GooglePlay play.google.com/store/music/album/ShibayanRecords_…

Please visit the official site for more details:

Available for purchase (digital download) here:


All Comments (21)
  • @ShibayanRecords

    東方鬼形獣 の配信が始まった〜(ฅ́˘ฅ̀)(ฅ́˘ฅ̀)(ฅ́˘ฅ̀)

    ちなみにRemixやSampling、Mashupとかは好きにやって頂いて構いませんよ( ◜௰◝ )
    配信停止のお願いをする事は無いです。ただし原曲が分かる形で使うと、私や、第三者がアップロードしたOriginal側の曲を使ってる動画にRemixのIDが付くという、YoutubeのContent IDの断定の曖昧さからくる特有の権利侵害の問題が出る場合がある(実際に幾つかのケースでそのようになっている)ので、その時はご連絡の上、適正に対処して頂く必要があります。
    あと、東方とは全然関係無い感じのRemixやMashupをする場合にしても、みんな東方Projectのゲームをプレイしてくれると嬉しいなぁ( ◜௰◝ )

    なお曲はboothの方から購入頂けると東方の原作者の方にもダイレクトに分配されるので、なるべくそちらから宜しくお願いします( ◜௰◝ )
  • @X3m.Gaming
    this is one of those things that is "touhou has been always in your life and you dont even know it"
  • @LoliconSamalik
    Much better than the crummy remix that got popular. It's actually soothing.
  • @KinGuuu_
    As a Brazilian, I can't feel happier knowing that other countries are doing that great with our Bossa Nova! I love it! I bet Master João Gilberto and Master Tom Jobim, the creators of Bossa Nova, would be happy too.
  • @displaced3123
    Japanese person: makes song.
    Americans: This is mine now.
  • @rairaur2234
    There's a saying on the internet. "If you don't know where it's from: it's probably Touhou."
  • @volcanolotus64
    Im sorry about what has happened to your work. This is a beautiful arrangement! People who are inspired by touhou are always so talented, you feel the love for touhou that was put into the work. I hope that with the awareness being spread, your original work can be more well known.
  • @persenn8935
    people are talking about the people that find the original song, but I didn't even know it was a meme, it just sounds nice.
  • @humanbeing2341
    This goes into my "When my homies are not around" playlist
  • @OkinaMatara214
    Can we appreciate this, not as the original of Omae wa Mou, but the best-sounding yuuka's arrangement?
  • @tamagoyaki19
    何をどうアレンジしたらFlower Landからこの曲が生まれるんだ…。もはや別の曲やんけ…。素人にはわからんすごい。
  • @Danpowerful2
    Congrats to the few people who knows the real gem that is here.
  • @glassmoon4491
    Shibayan Records: says a joke
    deadman: says the same joke, but louder
  • @RadicalCluster
    I didn’t know that someone copied this masterpiece and claimed it as their own…
  • @Hypady
    Im looping this video until we hit more views than the "remix".
  • @keredsukram5401
    I’m angry that this isn’t on spotify, but omae wa mou is
  • @aronpeter1486
    Congratulations for reaching 15M views!!! We are proud of the Touhou community growing big!!!