KLIMAKLEBER: Strafen für Flughafen-Blockierer zu niedrig? "Bis zu zehn Jahre Haft!" CDU-Klöckner

Published 2024-07-26
CLIMATEA CTIVISTS: “Up to ten years in prison!” Penalties for airport blockaders too low?

In the debate about climate activists who paralyze airports, SPD member of parliament Lars Castellucci has spoken out in favour of harsher penalties. “This can't just be an administrative offense,” said Castellucci on Friday on ZDF's ‘Morgenmagazin’. Trespassing with the intention of “impairing air traffic in this way” should be punishable by law. The Last Generation group was doing its actual cause a “disservice” with such actions.

“Now everyone is only getting upset about climate stickers again and not about the actual cause, namely climate change,” criticized Castellucci, who is deputy chairman of the Committee on Internal Affairs.

On Thursday, climate activists temporarily paralyzed flight operations at Germany's largest airport in Frankfurt am Main for the first time, and at Cologne/Bonn Airport on Wednesday. This fueled the discussion about tougher penalties.

A week ago, the Federal Cabinet passed a bill to tighten the Aviation Security Act. The aim is to introduce a new criminal offence for unauthorized access to the tarmac and runways of an airport.

It provides for up to two years in prison or fines. In cases where the intruders are carrying prohibited items such as weapons, the penalty is up to five years. The same applies if the intention is to facilitate another crime.

#worldnewschannel #climatesticker #lastgeneration #cdu

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