Rebos Got A Huge Upgrade (Repeatability For Any Linux Distro)

Published 2024-04-07

All Comments (19)
  • @akashtriz
    Thank you for your contribution. Keep up this good work.
  • @merthyr1831
    Very interesting! I'll be watching this project :)
  • @TheSast
    I like this term, seems appropriate.
  • @DrewTNaylor
    For what it's worth, the paru upgrade command should be -Syu as having two y's forces a redownload of every source's info even if it's not out of date and is rough on the servers. Sometimes it's necessary though, but very rare.
  • @sergey6661313
    that is, now we need a nix-os-like system to store configs for rebos.
  • @Ultrajamz
    As someone who has not used either yet, what are the pros/cons to using this vs. using the nix package manager?
  • @tobeypeters
    Thing is ... Nix can pull source from github and build for you. Yours only pulls down packages you can do with apt install and other package managers right? That IS awesome. Great app. But, like the cargo stuff I see, is that only cargo install? Does it cargo build? etc .... etc ... Guess, we need more info. I mean, I have a bash script that has a list of packages and it'll apt install them.
  • Hey man I am new to hyprland can you please make a video on how when we change wallpaper the colour scheme also changes there are not a lot of video about it.
  • @Serizon_
    I think for programming environ,ents , mise and asdf do the same thing , and for applications , flatpak is good , so i am not sure where this stands , maybe something like a better mor3 universal bash script?
  • @user-qw6qt4pp1i
    It's a cool side project, however after going through config automation phase myself I realized that pretty much everything can easily be done using small collection of shell scripts/commands. Compiling custom app and writing custom config files sounds like too much effort for almost no benefits. I can understand using something like Nix to configure systems, it's turing complete functional language, you can achieve pretty much anything you want with it. Using Rust to parse Toml files is an inherently flawed approach imo, it's too "rigid", you'll have to maintain not only your configuration but also the tool itself, which is why I gave up this approach long time ago. Right now I'm using a relatively simple Justfile and GNU Stow to manage all my machines.
  • @birdstrikes
    So you're a programmer who couldn't figure out the five ways to run fhs on nixos so you're building your own distro? That's like not understanding how to use a clutch so you build an automatic car... when it's already been done... years ago.