Black Ash Basketry: A Story of Cultural Resilience

Publicado 2021-12-30

Todos los comentarios (16)
  • @jtodt23
    Tonight I read the chapter in Braiding Sweetgrass about this, and was led to this most beautiful story. Chi Migwetch.
  • @kikiperry4924
    I am reading this chapter right now! And this shows up!
  • @tkkojames
    Such a beautiful tradition. Thank you for sharing. I’m fascinated by the black ash and I hope they are as resilient as the basket weavers. I would love some day to watch or learn this.
  • Miigwech for this video. My first time viewing it. It has so much to offer and I am so grateful to those that made this happen. We are hoping to bring this amazing skill back to our community.
  • I really admire the beauty and utility of the ash basket pack! Do you know if this is a Native American invention or an adaptation of this craft (and art!)! Someday I’ll own one of these packs. They would seem to be tailor made for carrying anything that needs to dry out while you’re traveling👍
  • @technopoptart
    this documentary is nearly 14 years old now, i wonder how the situation with the beetles has progressed in that time
  • What a wonderful and informative video! Now where can I purchase some of these baskets?!!!!!
  • How you did that on private land with promision! Don't need corners coming to my backyard taking our good live Ash trees!