High school graduate denied his diploma | GMA


コメント (21)
  • His efforts towards his education, his grades, his 4 years in high school is what that diploma stands for not what he wore.
  • They saw his flag when he walked through that door. He sat through the whole ceremony with the flag on and no one said anything, but soon as he goes up on the stage to receive his diploma he gets humiliated by the principal in front of everyone and without his diploma. Sad
  • The crazy thing about this is that he is not required to attend graduation to get his diploma and yet they withhold it because of a dress code violation. That's just petty!
  • They decided to tell him this just as he was reaching for his diploma? At that point wouldn’t you think it’s a little too late to be telling him this?
  • @Kyuubi39
    Our school didn't even give us diplomas. Everyone had to come back after graduation to pick it up. They handed us empty envelopes
  • School officials always trying to prove a point even at the last day of school....
  • Even if it was against the dress code, why did no one tell him that BEFORE he walked. Like did no teacher o authority bother to tell him while he was seated or in line?? Why wait until he is at the front? Ive seen students get dress coded at grad ceremonies and the school still gave them theor diplomas because it has nothing to do with u graduating. They didnt need to be assholes about it.
  • Update: he got his diploma thanks to all y’all who signed the petition
  • I puked at my graduation because I got drunk the night before. They still gave me mine.
  • @gnick66
    I have a hard time believing nobody noticed that he was wearing that until he got all the way up on stage.
  • The fact that the school is detaining his diploma dependent on an apology is ludicrous. Obviously he was able to be clever enough and went through with his mischief. I think this is an opportunity to learn and prepare for future graduations and find it absurd that the adults are the ones picking a fight instead of accepting this young man for who he accepts himself to be. No need to be ashamed. Congrats on your achievements bro!
  • The school punished him enough by embarrassing him when they did not give him his diploma on time. They should go ahead and give him his diploma and get the whole thing over with so they can fully enjoy the rest of their summer. No apologies necessary. Just put it in the mail. They're being really silly now.
  • @Fustro
    The principal was wearing SANDALS which was against the dress code, that principal needs to get fired
  • Just give him his damn diploma. If they cared that much they would’ve told him to take it off before reaching the stage.
  • They saw him wearing the flag if it was really against the dress code, why let him get all the way to the stage wearing it.... give me a break.
  • There's no need for an apology. Give him his damn diploma. I've seen so many graduates wearing their flags at their graduation and was given their diploma.
  • To recieve a diploma you are REQUIRED to complete "x" amount of credits over a 4 year stint. Also depending on the school system a certain GPA. In no code of conduct anywhere it says a student will not receive their diploma at graduation for any reason at graduation ceremony. Atleast in Florida and NY school systems. This brought to you by a former school teacher.
  • A guy literally did this at my graduation and no one batted an eye, tf wrong with these school officials.
  • Man the people on here are missing the point of a dress code at graduation. No you can't wear your national flag to graduate from high school...STOP IT!!!
  • @ykagz007
    Reminds me of that one person who dressed up as master chief and still got the diploma while making the teachers laugh