John 11 | Lazarus Is Raised from the Dead | The Bible

Jesus Christ overcame sin and death. Learn more about what is possible in your life because of Him:

Jesus testified He is the Resurrection and the Life in the Bible in John 11:1-44. This testimony came at an important moment, after the death of His close friend Lazarus. What came next was one of the great miracles Jesus performed during His time on earth—raising Lazarus from the dead.

Because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us, all death is a temporary separation. You can be reunited with your loved ones and with God in the next life. Learn more with missionaries:

This video is part of a series of Bible videos created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to help people come closer to Jesus Christ. Watch more Bible videos here:

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コメント (21)
  • Believe it or not. Let me also share the reality of what I've gone through. In 2004, November, my father passed away. After several years of his demised, one day my mother fall seriously ill and we're helpless even with the nurses. I walk out of the house and kneel down at the ground which is a little muddy but there's only God in my mind so I pray. I seriously pray with all my heart, I cry out and beg God to heal my mother as I cannot imagine the pain of losing both my parents. After praying several minutes, I went back inside and fall asleep, before dawn when I woke up, my mother completely recovers from her sickness and till today she is healthy and alive. Thank you God and thank you Jesus our saviour.
  • “Lazarus......Come Forth” Jesus’s voice was enough for Lazarus’ spirit to hear, recognise and obey it. Simple yet so powerful!
  • My mom will rise up one day like Lazarus, I'll never stop praying and hoping for seeing her again. Rest in peace my lovely mom 🙏
  • Who still believe in 2023 that jesus carried each and everyone of our burdens...glory to God in the highest
  • My mom was a believer in Christ. She passed away last year, and one day I’ll see her again. Thank you God.
  • Jesus raised me from death bed by my mother prayers when no one have hopes on me doctor said that it a matter of time when I was at age of 6 months all glory to Jesus Christ.
  • I have died 3 times from seizure but God raised me up Praise the Lord God is great Amen 🙏
  • @Fr_Daniel
    The same voice that said: Lazarus, come forth! Will call me out of the grave one day if I am gone. Praise be to God.
  • Like Lazarus I was buried or I was lost, but Jesus found me and I have found him. Thanks to God now I am peaceful person. 🙏🙏🙏
  • Dear Jesus! You know me me better than anyone else in this world. Am loosing hope and faith day after day. Please give me strength to survive in this world and wisdom not to fall into traps and take away depression and anxiety from me. Please join our family bonding and give happiness. Get away all negativities from me. Amen! I believe in you. Show miracle❤
  • Who else wants to just run in gods arms and feel safe and loved? ❤️
  • "I am the way✝️" "I am the truth✝️" "I am the life✝️" "No One Comes to the father✝️ except through me✝️" {john 14:6} AMEN✝️✝️✝️
  • Without Jesus we would all be lost.This really touched my heart ❤️. God bless you all .😃
  • Lord as you have raise Lazarus from death,nothing is imposible for you,I have only hope to heal me from all my dizziness which suffer more than 10 years,please Lord heal me I'm helpless and broke here🙏🙏
  • “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die"
  • I will worship Jesus for the rest of my life even in death sickness amen
  • Even after 4 days, Lazarus was dead. Jesus still woke him up from his sleep.Alleluia.
  • This is the sign that He is the living God,who so ever believe in him shall never die.Amen