Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible

Publicado 2017-02-10
If it's true that the Bible contains scientific facts that were written thousands of years before man discovered them, the implications are staggering. These facts would be evidence that the Bible is the word of God, and its promise of Heaven and threat of Hell are therefore not to be mocked or ignored.

"Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible" is a half-hour of awe-inspiring and faith-building video, filled with ancient biblical truths—the earth’s free float in space, the dinosaur and why it disappeared, laws of quarantine, the earth being round, and much more.

This is a powerful resource to encourage Christians, and to challenge the most hardened skeptic to take the claims of the gospel seriously.

"Excellent! This video will captivate you." -Jeff Seto, Aerospace Engineer & author.

This video is a part of the Living Waters "Lightning Productions" resource line. This line is focused on creating simple yet powerful videos that can be used as effective evangelistic tools to reach the lost. The simplified nature of these new productions (in contrast to our higher budget and graphics-intensive movies) will enable us to produce more videos, and in a shorter amount of time.

Watch more free videos and get other resources by Ray Comfort and Living Waters at www.LivingWaters.com/

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Kael7777
    As a scientist. I am amazed at the Lord's creation! It is amazing what God has created. From the atom, and its inner workings (quantum physics nd string theory) to the trillions of galaxies. For the smalest microbes to the largest organisms. The Lord is amazing! Praise God.
  • @songforyou308
    When I was searching for scientific facts that are true in the Bible, I bumped into this video and my faith in God increased. Thank you.
  • The more that I study science and observe nature around me, the more I say, "What a Creator we have!" He planned everything down to the very smallest detail detail.
  • @tw750
    I have watched dozens of the "Living Waters" videos, and each and every time, I feel I have learned something new and become a better person. From the bottom of my heart, I want to say THANK YOU to the "Living Waters" group for all they do.
  • @irenezin7427
    The more you read the Bible, I see that everything is real. But so many times, it open my mind more clearly. But we need to open our hearts to God to understand what he will show us. I believe in God truely.
  • @joanrucker1568
    I love how you speak without insulting anyone! Never change that for it is rare and fiercely needed!!
  • @An_American_Man
    "The problem is not intellectual, it's moral. The reason we don't like the bible is because it accuses us of being morally irresponsible"... WOW ❤️ Pride keeps people from the most valuable of lessons
  • @VideoBible
    I love how often we hear "scientist used to think that this was untrue (something found in the bible), now new evidence has shown that it is true." That just never gets old! - Being reminded of the awesome purposefulness of God! Thanks Father for always being right and true. And thank you for being steadfast with us! Amen!!!
  • @nshutimagara2259
    I am 15 years old I have decided to follow Jesus. Because Jesus is a relationship not region
  • @BMoneyYTB
    Everyday my faith grows stronger because of this channel. Thank you! It’s sad that people dismiss the Bible as being filled with outdated knowledge when in reality people could’ve really learned a thing or two from it to avoid many catastrophic events like the plague and learning about sanitation and quarantining.
  • A missionary friend of mine was stationed abroad back in the early 70’s and was endeavoring to share the salvation message to a remote tribal village in Africa, who had never heard any aspect of the Gospel. After quite some time, he was finally able to communicate with them, and learned that there was one man, living in the outskirts of their village who had come to believe in a Supreme Being, as a Creator-God, somehow all by himself. Although this man had been ostracized & shunned by his tribe, he would not back down from this belief. Stunned, my minister friend wanted to talk to this man & find out just exactly how this came to be (& if it were even true). The tribe had many pagan beliefs & practices, but paramount was the idea of no Creator or Supreme Being & that they basically just ceased to exist when they died (sound familiar?) After meeting this man, my friend asked him, how he came to believe in a Supreme-Being as God and believe that this Being was his Creator? He told my missionary friend, “You know, I looked at all the witch-doctors told us. And how they were so sure that we came from nothing, no one, but were merely bits of the other “things” that were here, like grass, trees and soil. We were just part of all that “stuff” and life had no real meaning or significance….” “But one day, while looking into a pool of water, I began staring at my own reflection. And I pondered all that the medicine-men had told me. And looking intently into that watery-mirror, I said out loud, “I am a ‘who.’ And if I am a ‘who’ only another ‘who’ can make a ‘who.’ An ‘it’ cannot make a ‘who.’ And that’s when I knew….there had to be a ‘Who’ that Created me. And I’ve been seeking to find Him & know Him ever since. “ My ministry friend, gasped at his insight. He said, “Wow. If only you could come to America and lecture all the Atheists at their prestigious universities.” Here was an uncivilized, uneducated aborigine who realized the existence of a Creator God—from a pool of water—and the reasoning-thinking-being made in the “image” of that God, staring back at him (self). __________________________ **Story is retold about missionary/ minister Malcolm Smith, founder of “Unconditional Love Ministries” (now located in Bandera Texas.) __________________________ ▪️“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.” (Romans 1:22, 25) ▪️”But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” (1 Cor 1:27) ▪️”At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” (Matt 11:25)
  • @poterlim5991
    Time stamps cuz i didnt see anyone else do it 0:21 Earth float in space Job 26:7 1:13 Good hygiene Lev. 15:13 2:50 Info/life in blood Lev. 17:11 4:29 Earth is circle isaish 40:22 5:57 oceanography. Psalm 8:8 7:12 Light & radio waves Job 38:35 8:24 1st law thermodyn. Gen. 2:1 9:51 Ideal ship dimenison Gen. 6:15 11:00 Quarantine Lev. 13:46 12:12 Dinosaurs. Job 40: 15-24 And here's a bonus one for you not from the video regarding 2 verses. Now you'll have to follow my train of thought here. 1 john 5:7 mentions God as "the trinity" ; although there is only 1 God, He is 3 distinct persons in 1. Then Romans 1:19-20 says "God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen...from what has been made." So I think God revealed himself in nature by leaving a signature of #3 in the atom: 3 subatomic particles: proton, neutron, and electron in everything in nature.
  • @trev6243
    Everything in the Bible will be fulfilled. We are just too in love with the world that we go blind to all these things. May God bless us.
  • @dpuravet
    I like the way he talks to each person personally with gentleness & kindness.
  • @love2bloved
    Guy: "my daughter is growing a Christian" Ray: "well you're talking to me today because of her prayers" OH my heart- that was everything
  • " Jesus said unto them, I am the way the truth, and the life. No man can come unto the father except through me."
  • @csidelmonte6892
    A few minutes ago before getting bump on this video, I found myself crying asking God what happened to the Joy of my Faith and then I was reminded of his faithfulness, I cried in awe realizing how undeserved I have always been for all the grace, mercy and blessings He shower me upon everyday.