In a Flare - Update and Hope

Hi friends,

Throwing this into the archives as I continue to chronicle my journey. In a flare but hopeful my baseline will go up after.

Lots of love and healing your way!

コメント (8)
  • You are a fighter and your positive energy to all of us here gives hope!! I will be entering my 18 month of my severe setback. I still cannot feel joy or pleasure and the mental torture just overtakes me still. I know if I could feel joy and pleasure, I could easily handle my remaining physical ailments.
  • Nice to hear the positivity in your voice, it’s helping me through this very tough time, please keep making videos
  • Thanks for the update. I’ve been tapering 2.5 Ati for almost 2 years and it’s been rough. I’m at .5 and I am really struggling. Sleep has been especially problematic thru the entire taper and now that I’m at .5 it’s gotten worse. When the sun starts to drop my anxiety goes up and I become terrified. I’ve never had a window so it was wonderful to see your amazing window these past weeks. Im also amazed how you can still function so well when you crash. Because of no sleep and my age I don’t think I’m going to make it thru especially knowing it’s not over for months after jumping. Im bedridden and that is not anything I expected. My fear is definitely making everything worse. Im sure you’ll pull thru this crash quickly ❤️
  • Hey! I was on Klonopin for 29 years and tapered off for about 18 months. That was 2 years ago and I’m still struggling with highs and lows. Anxiety and depression. These last few weeks have been tough for me. But before that I was like you, on a hyper-high! Going, going, going then I crashed. Now trying to rest and heal some more. I hope you feel better soon ❤
  • Thank you for taking us along with you as you continue heal. The PA who's helping me try to taper off of the short acting benzo I'm on currently, has finally realized that I need one with a longer acting half life. I'm stabilizing on my current med while I get some other health issues taken care of, then he'll switch me to a different benzo. I'm hoping this next time will work better. In the meantime I'll keep tuning in and follow along since you are an inspiration that helps me to continue moving forward. Hope you feel better soon. ❤️
  • Hi Anya I am also long protected as you know…😏there are so many similarities between us. I am also in a bad wave for weeks alteady.. I can feel all my nerves and musles in my body.. it is awfully painful, especially in the face and head area… I only have short breaks of this torture. But as you mention, I feel the change for the better too.. so hard to describe to others. Thank you so so much for this reminder that this IS healing….in this long and lonely process. And your advice to rest… I definitely should do that more.. and I WILL. We will heal!! Keep going 😘Myrna
  • Thanks for the update. Would like to hear what symptoms you do have still. I’m in a flare at almost 6 years now. 4 month flare/setback. Got Covid in the midst of it too. Oh well. Feel like I’m coming out of it now. One day we all will heal ❤️❤️❤️ Also, loved the 5 things that helped and 5 things that did not help