Creating High Performance Culture | Patty McCord | Talks at Google

Patty McCord – Netflix’s former Chief Talent Officer comes to Google to talk about her new book, "Powerful: Teams, Leaders and the Culture of Freedom and Responsibility."

When it comes to recruiting, motivating and creating great teams, Patty McCord says most companies have it all wrong. McCord helped create the unique and high performing culture at Netflix, where she was chief talent officer. She takes what she learned there and elsewhere in Silicon Valley and spells it out in her new book, Powerful.

In her own irreverent voice, McCord promotes radical honesty at the workplace, saying good bye if they don’t fit the emerging needs of a company, and motivating employees with challenging work, not promises, crazy perks and, bonus plans. McCord argues that the old standbys of corporate HR departments -- annual performance reviews, retention plans, employee empowerment and engagement programs – often end up being a colossal waste of time and resources. In the book, she offers her road-tested advice for creating a culture of high performance and profitability.

Patty McCord served as Chief Talent Officer of Netflix for fourteen years and helped create the Netflix Culture Deck. Since it was posted on the web, the Culture Deck has been viewed more than 15 million times and Sheryl Sandberg has said that it “may be the most important document ever to come out of Silicon Valley.”

Currently, Patty coaches and advises a small group of companies and entrepreneurs on culture and leadership. She also speaks to groups and teams around the world. Patty’s book “Powerful. Teams, Leaders and the Culture of Freedom and Responsibility” will be published in the fall of 2017.

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コメント (17)
  • So much practical common sense and advice from Patty McCord. You can tell she has really done the role. I really connect with her views on the outdated and obsolete traditional annual performance review process.
  • Well thank you so much it was a so helpful and good video about job tips for be a successful and high performance employee, topics most of us failed. A helpful and interesting video
  • Great talk, it's taken time for me to learn some of these lessons as well. Intresting point: poor staff recruitment is my fault, not theirs. :)
  • The only thing I am good at that I do once a year is Christmas and NYE. :)
  • Like the talk but do so much not agree with the content and would not want to be part of this. Thanks for the insights.
  • A broad sweeping statement like, "they're looking for ways to torture you, because that's what finance people do" at 31:41 is a bit unhelpful and damages her credibility. Otherwise, a powerful talk.
  • 27:45 I like how she is thumping her chest that she took away PTO from employees which is a benefit. Unlimited vacation is a total scam. This way if employees quit the company doesn’t have to pay them the PTO they are owed.
  • sounds like Netflix love the super chickens that Margaret Heffernan speaks about, thatz one company Id never join for sure !