Benzo withdrawal = Despair

In my practice, I've witnessed many of my patients struggle with various aspects of benzodiazepine tapering and withdrawal. It's an indescribably difficult experience. Not enough doctors recognize this issue, and far too many patients going through this feel alone in their experience.

Rebel Health with Ellen Vora, MD

Ellen Vora, MD graduated from Columbia University medical school, received her B.A. from Yale University in English, and is a board-certified psychiatrist, acupuncturist, and yoga teacher.

This content is for informational purposes only and not to be considered medical advice. This information is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any medical condition. Statements should not be taken as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed physician. It is recommended to consult with your physician before implementing any dietary or lifestyle changes. In viewing this content you accept the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. You further acknowledge that you are completely responsible for any changes you make regarding your diet and health and will not hold Ellen Vora, MD liable for your own decisions or any results of your decisions.

コメント (21)
  • Discomfort my ass!! Stop sugar coating, it's complete hell!!
  • @a.u.4447
    Veteran here, from prescribed benzos, taken as prescribed. Learned what this doc is saying from 7 years of benzo hell and still not recovered. The description this doctor gives doesn't give a drop in the bucket of the suffering benzo wd causes. Destroyed my life.
  • It’s not just “uncomfortable.” It’s hell! It causes Gaba a receptors down regulation, hence causes dangerous physical symptoms. High HR/BP, shakes, fever, burning sensation, chest pain, severe panic attacks, seizures, Akathisia, insomnia, terror, panic, agoraphobia, dp, dr, etc. Is not just “uncomfortable”, it is the literal definition of hell. I hoped you were more well versed than most psychiatrists, specially as a holistic one. Have you treated, or helped a patient taper and switch to natural medications to help with the withdrawals?
  • @THXx1138
    I rocked for 3 hours in my bed this morning - fighting to get through the mental torment. It is horrific. I am so very grateful that this thing ebbs and flows now. From June 2016 until March 2018 I was in constant torture. The only reason I am still here is due to the fear of death. 2018 I have improved and looking to continue improving generally in 2019. Love you all.
  • @lisamarie8700
    I had no feelings of empathy or sadness. I could not cry. Didn't feel comfortable in my own head at all! Anyone have that happen?! Took a year to feel normal again.
  • 7.5 months off a cold turkey WD. Most horrific journey. I really can’t explain what I’ve been through and I’m not close to being out of the woods yet. Ugh. Brutal.
  • Ativan slowly, tapering 8 months the wd is ridiculous no matter what! Solution stop prescribing them!!!
  • Nice you have some good understanding of benzodiazepine withdrawal!I was on klonopin for 20 years for anxiety/once I’ve been off for over 12 years now.I weaned myself for over 9 months through water titration.The whole process is agonizing and I still have severe sensitivity to stress and noises.Hopefully one day the medical and addiction community will learn and know how to treat this,and a 28 day inpatient detox is the worst thing you could do to a person.Slow very slow taper is the best way for most!Thanks for the video,and the blessing you are for other’s!!
  • Here’s an idea: no m.d., or other medical professional with an Rx pad, may prescribe a benzo unless, and until they go on said benzo for at least six months, and then stop. This should be the case for all psych meds these so-called health care professionals prescribe. That would turn this whole shit show called psychiatry on its head.
  • I’m in paws from SSRI’s.. I think the worst thing is we don’t have a voice. Soooo many people suffering unnecessarily, fighting for their lives without any offering of support. Not a single societal service even acknowledges our suffering is genuine. It makes for one lonely, scary ride. Its an experience which will turn even the most kind hearted and gentle person bitter.
  • It's hell on earth for months to years shit gives ya ptsd why isent this drug banned ?
  • Great video. I’ve been through this and it’s brutal. It’s definitely tough but the situation is winnable.
  • @eirini98
    Thanks for this. Vital information!
  • Yes intense discomfort and despair with seemingly no end in sight! It's enough to make even the most pragmatic, sayne, level headed individual feel like their losing their mind, body and SOUL. Not even a whisper of a respite or window in quite some time😂😥😷🤕😨😢
  • @yes55504
    I have a utter hatred for your profession. How can pyschs prescribe this absolute poison?! Don't they know what the hell they are doing to people?!
  • @snafu22
    You should make contact with Baylissa, if you haven’t done so already, she is the go to person in the psych drug withdrawal community. She has many clients that need help with tapering and a knowledgeable MD on psych drugs effects and withdrawal could be of assistance to her and them.
  • Would taking Bipolar meds and xanax give you low dopamine levels? I take celexa and Abilify
  • People unkindly spout, "He's not on his meds!" as if they were some magical formula. Of course he's acting nutty; he's in withdrawal !!!!! Be patient, be kind, be helpful. Stop condemning. Help him thru it. Be encouraging.
  • in what mg of Klonopin did you jump off?I'm on 4 months off 0.5 mg Klonopin and I start tapering now I cut off 50% and in 4 weeks I can feel the withrawal effect but not as bad some mood disturbance and sleepless night but it's manageable...after 4 to 6 weeks I will step down again my dose pls,! Pray 🙏 for me bro and sis...I love you all💖