Calling Out BJ About Amanda Rabb's Dad Being a Molester | Lima & Soft White UnderBelly

Youtuber BJ Investiages has been investigating the Amanda Rabb story from Youtube channel Soft White Under Belly, which is run by Mark Laita. BJ has revealed some information and is exposing Lima Jevremovic who helped Amanda Recover.
I want to know why did BJ leave this important information out? and why does she have to present her videos in such a dramatic way?

#amandarabb #softwhiteunderbelly #bjinvestigates

コメント (21)
  • Maybe some of you just want to be entertained by dramatic Youtubers but there is a grieving father and relatives involved who no one seems to care about. Amanda clearly stated that she wanted to put this information out there and make it known that her father is not a molestor yet BJ ignores this and keeps repeating that he is with that old footage of Amanda when she was not sober. Does she really care about Amanda?
  • Im more interested in them lying about how she died and what was in her system. BJ doing great
  • @Ruby_2470
    AND not to mention saying there was NOT enough money to give Amanda who was apparently a HUGE part of AURA a decent burial but, she sure has enough money to hire a high paid celebrity lawyer to sue BJ???? That is very interesting! Just dump her on the beach and call it a day, right at a bunch of childrens feet! Classy! That was really respecting Amanda's memory! #JusticeForAmandaRabb #investigateAURA
  • Amanda could have been coerced into recanting that statement. And it kind of seemed that way because that recanting video only came out after people were making comments about how Lima contacted Larry to help with Amanda after Amanda literally said he turned out to be a molester. Why would she contact Larry not knowing if Larry was actually a molester or not? Why would they take that risk to Amanda's safety? They just needed him to make that call to the police saying that Amanda beat him so that Lima can try and get her conservatorship. which she wasn't able to get the conservatorship but she was able to be her caretaker and use her aura technology on her, along with putting her in rehabilitation facilities of Lima's choosing. (Lima convinced the courts to at least allow that) I feel like Lima and Mark coerced her into recanting that so they didn't look bad. They could have threatened her. I mean let's be real The way paramedics found her body lying faced down was really weird. And she was in a facility where they were supposed to be watching her for 24 hours(lima said that herself) and they did not check on her throughout the night so she wasn't even being watched for 24 hours . They found her in the morning faced down. So what you're trying to bring to light is not really that big of a deal compared to the fact that Lima lied about the autopsy report. That's one of the main problems.
  • @Ruby_2470
    btw you're not helping Lima, it actually looks like Lima went and made a youtube with 18 subs and is trying her best to clear her name! Shady, is that you, Lima?
  • @myakarmic
    She also make an "Outlandish" claim that there was a girl that looked just like her, talked like her and was the same age in a video game and she didn't like it. For all the things that are true and all the statements she made, It's funny how that is the ONE statement they choose to really make her clear up. Even thought she did stop living with her dad and never returned nor had a relationship with him until Lima came into play. I get where ur coming from, but it's really odd that a lot of the things Amanda stated, that at the times seemed unrealistic turned out to be true. But one of the more believable statements she made (that you could tell made her uncomfortable even while high) later has to be focused on as a lie? Why? So he could be introduced to the public without question or ridicule from the people. Do you deal with addicts, addiction? Children who've been molested or abused? Even when they don't unfortunately succumb to addiction to numb the pain of what was done to them, if you bring the person who caused the pain back into that person's life, the psychological control, pain and torment knows no bounds. If you brought back the "father figure" who would have caused her harm as a child, he would most likely be able to have that same control of Amanda as an adult. Especially because she never received the proper mental health and trauma counseling she needed to help when she was younger. Plus one of the stipulations to her release was what Lima says goes or back to jail you go....
  • We will probably never know why Amanda accused her father of that… but what we DO know, is that Lima has said on a live video that part of her “treatment” is “implanting memories in peoples brains” No idea exactly how true that is, but just like Amanda‘s comment… it’s definitely worth mentioning. Statements and accusations like that probably shouldn’t just be ignored. 🤷🏽‍♀️ You really can’t fault BJ for pointing out an allegation like that. Honestly and unfortunately (in MY humble opinion) it’s hard to tell for sure if Amanda was programmed to say certain things in her very last interviews. Either way, if Amanda really did accuse everybody of being a child so and Mark has multiple recordings to prove it, he can easily show the clips and clear all this up. It makes you wonder why Mark would only release the clip of her making an allegation like that against her father of all people and NO ONE else..🤔 but we can just add that to the list of things that we’ll probably never know.
  • Is lima jevremovic a war criminal? It seems AURA violated the NEUREMBERG Code. “The Center that gives me hits” tears me to PIECES!
  • You say BJ does it in a dramatic way. However, I find you do it in a creepy way. Can't you use your own voice?. I watched all of BJs videos and she is only looking out for Amanda. BJ has only stood up for others from what I have seen. So I feel she doesn't deserve this.
  • Hey Lima bean do everyone a favor and make ap video explaining why you lied about the autopsy results. that's the video we want🤣
  • « Soft white underbelly » has not one but manyyyyyyy sketchy videos witch they’re involved permanently in those people lives Probably anyone’s nightmare
  • @doordee3663
    Bam Margera said that Lima forced him to make a video about how great she is.
  • If lima hadn't already tried this guardianship/conservatories type approach with Bam, we might feel differently, but she did, so there's that. Plus she has influential friends in Hollywood to back her up...
  • A compurtized voice who apparently doesn't watch all of bjs videos because if he did bj mentioned lots of times Amanda Rabb took it back however it was mentioned in the video Amanda Rabb virtual reality hell because it is to show even though Amanda said her father molested her Lima and Mark got him involved. It wasn't taken back until almost a year later.