
コメント (21)
  • I rebuke all and return all to everyone 9000000 times fold 👀💖🙏⚖️💯💯 thank you
  • These people have done the most. The things these people have been doing is so ungodly.
  • @betty4851
    I told a neighbor to stay off my property and detached. She would ask my spouse where I was gone when I left my house. She tried to hard to get class to me.
  • I've never been on the streets but this whole neighborhood is A Trafficking Cooven that needs to be Dismantled.
  • @mszia77
    😂 to my knees? 😂 I know them all nothing is hidden from me..
  • @Laleece
    This sounds like my old residence, yet I’m still going through spying at my new place. Either way, this whole situation has made me stronger, but I’m still confused as to what they think I have. 🤷‍♀️
  • I don't trust nobody right now. To many snakes around me. Yup I keeps to myself. I don't bother nobody.
  • I’m pressing charges on everyone involved. I’m not playing with anyone.
  • All my neighbors. They been calling the police. Nope I still live here. So this is still happening now. They still live here. Jane, dourthy
  • Girlfriend I'm not surprised by this story period don't give two cents about this situation
  • Wow... you see it. In my case, I've been here 24 yrs. The landlord that came in years later and neighbors that came after exceot for one, were all involved. Once they got that Lanlord to join their agenda... it got hard and much uglier. So ugly, that only a book and not just a chapter would do the depth of injustice much justcice. This might be a short article once I start releasing. 😇 "I'll start by saying that without a doubt, God held me up👣 once again for a long time without letting me go once. For some reason, justice feels near... it just does. The Landor (a few chapters in that alone) of 16 years, was letgo within the year after the beggining of the worst and defining attack. The one that started about 3 years back. It was ugly!!! The person left in charge after him, had been in on same mindset of discarmentment of me. And oh goodness, did they ever take over. A person with authority and much more power at that... BUT NOT GOD'S POWER! They only made me, with God by my side, far stronger and even more resolved than before. Against many obvious nasty and sneaky efforts, obstacles, personal challenges and even a bad fall, I kept overcoming! When I fell, my body and face broke a solid wood table... ouch! It landed me in the hospital. After many weeks of healing from this and once again requering on an already approved flooring (after an 8 yrs of trying) project that had started 22 1/2 months prior for it's concluding walkthrough apt to get the green light. Needless to say, after they went to the yes person, they pulled one more in my face attempt to sabotage the path forward. It went from a 'preapproved yes' to a definite 'no... project cancelled' email from yes man soon after, to a job back on. I responded with my highroad but firm fact filled email. Next day, I got an email with project back on and now we will also do this and this snd this for you to get a favorable and desired result. GOD IS SO AMAZING! Soon after, I got my place... not partially but completely renovated. I, with God for me and with me, refused to give up and stay beaten or beatened down. Never allowing my dignity to be affected! Years... it's been a long decade or longer at this here. Started getting bad when constant and serious mail issues worsened and there not being much one can do without corporation, although it had consequences of major problems as you might imagine. Stolen mail and packages. Destroyed or stolen garden items and plants. Some goods inside as well. My knowing, just knowing instinctively that my place had been bugged and that the manager had helped himself in with master key into my place in my deep sleeping hours... I just know it! Lived on guard... no rest! Neighbors did try to affect my housing and my standing with the Property Management Co. One that I had a great working relationship with for the 1st 13 yrs or so. Wow lady... are you sure you have not been here all this time? The pain this cruelty has caused is inexplicable, unexplainable and unacceptable. Sure am feeling it still. Physically, not just mentally or emotionally. But I must say that I do not have to look forward to, nor would I, to what God, the Universe or Karma has planned in justice for all that they've done. Knnowing that this justice exists is enough for me. More so, when knowing how He feels over maliciously done actions and thoughts towards someone not deserving. My being a person that they've watched overcome 2 Cervical Fusions and 2 Lumbar Fusions (all very radical and long healing prossess ea), makes me wonder how they can be so cruel. Them knowing and watching this and so much more, makes one wonder just why? Why? I honestly don't know or get it because my heart and mind just can't go there... never would! Just curious that I was, have been and am overcoming much, and still, they did and do this to me. Oh, God knows how much I would love to have the financial ability to match my dignity and needs in order to get the luxury of moving. I also know God has a plan and I wait while I do... do my best! For now, making it work with my head held high and a skip in my walk. (always in pain but plugging away just the same;-) Being 4 months since the renovation took place... not quite settled in yet. My body is far slower in action than my mind is in desire, but I am making progress. I make it work with patience, faith, hope and an abundance of love in my heart by believing in Him and His grace always being in my life and in me. If not, I wouldn't be here... much less upright. Sadly, when one is in challenged circumstances that can linger, few stick around. The ones that do. You just know. Yes. I am a bit challenged but quite blessed. #IAMBLESSED 🧡#QuiteBlessed GRACIAS!" 😇 Grateful for this much needed purge.💝 Although it got very long and personal... thank you! Many blessings and much love to all! 👣💞🧡😇👣 #StayStrong
  • I was assaulted as well...they laughed at me,i was threatened as well...i hate them...i want tosee the worst tohappen to them!!