Why You're Just Making Excuses (A Console Overwatch Rant) Ximming and Cheating Accusations

This video is to hopefully clear up what some people find to instantly prove people are "cheating" to actually be settings you can enable yourself on console. I've gotten somewhat tired of all good controller players being discredited by PC players already but for it to happen from other controller players is a bit much. Hopefully this video can educate those who are less aware of good players/settings and stop people mindlessly typing "nice mnk" the moment someone has great aim or movement on controller

コメント (21)
  • just a very minor critique, the backround music is way louder than your speaking audio
  • @SparkShiftYT
    This is great. You explain things in such a good way.
  • @bvghosts
    I get called ximmer all the time. Do console players… not look at the settings?
  • Hi, thanks much for the video. Do you have 61hor 51ver sens an all heroes? I mean also on Tanks like Dva, Zarya..? Also with linear ramp? Same settings on all heroes? I was playing overwatch on dual zone since 2016. But i see what you mean and it is better (more precise.) I copied your settings for Soldier, but noticed that a bit slow (61 horizontal sens), so i bumped it up to 65. Tracer same. I need some time to adapt, but i like linear ramp. Dual zone is nice, till you notice that its aim is "boxy" as you said, its really difficult to aim vs Genji when hes jumping over your head and around you if you use dual zone on Soldier. I will play now only with linear ramp. Thanks much. Btw whats your rank in OW2? Im Dia4 on Support and Plat on Tank (PS4).
  • Is there any similar video but for PC(mouse) that explain the techniques like you did? Learnt lot of things despite not using controller and the concepts are similar.
  • You know this video helped becuase I was once a dude that looked at PC players and streamers and went "I can do that" now I look at myself and reflect on what I did before and fix it, now thanks to this video I can pay attention to console players and see what they do in high ranks. Also thanks to AwkwardOW on yt for his 25 list that helped me also self reflect. This guy Zex needs more subs and this video needs even more traction because it's very important.
  • How is your right inner dead zone at 0.04 without controller moving your aim on its own 🤔
  • tldr: I got accused of ximming on mercy once, and people genuinely do not know what ximming looks like. one of my favorite things about playing on console how idiotic people are when it comes to ximming. I once got accused of ximming while I was on Mercy.. like of ALL the heros in the game, you think I'm gonna cheat on MERCY? genuinely insane. it was one of the funniest interactions because when I do my flicks to slingshot upwards, sometimes you can hear my stick on my mic (I play with a drift so I also have to oversompensate for the drift). when I got accused of ximming my teammates even asked me, and they could literally HEAR me using my controller. I think people will just claim ximmer when they're getting diffed... ximming is also EXTREMELY obvious. it is very easy to know what ximming looks like 99% of the time because it's genuinely just THAT large of a differece, and most casuals can't tell that difference.
  • I used to have my right joystick dead zone all the way up, put it to 0.80, my aiming actually feels like it's 1 to 1 now. It's nice
  • @mealsman
    What’s your tracer crosshair? It looks really good
  • the settings bro?i know u show at bg but u change to explain smth wich one are they?
  • @MeikoXVII
    i always get accused of cheeating i have some heros with dual zone like cass and hanzo, linear for heros like sojourn and queen but i manly play doom with high sticky aim
  • @umok6243
    Bro you are actually underrated af
  • @fartsalad2456
    I enabled triple buffering and it feels like cheating
  • Can’t blame them when xims are so common it’s easy to make such accusations. For me i don’t care about xims i just hate when I face one that’s hard pocketed by a mercy bap and dva and my team just expects me to win the duel against them instead of working as a team to focus her. It’s not the cheating that’s the problem it’s the mentality of the players
  • @Raizdes
    No hate but you’re aim doesn’t even look close to a Mnk those ppl that are actually thinking that’s xim ain’t higher than Gold 4 😅