Peter Cohen wants a job

Published 2007-06-07
Peter is one of the most experienced peering dudes (besides myself) and was recently at NANOG 40 in Bellevue, Washington. He needs a job! Hence this video!

It's a travesty that such a brilliant mind (besides my own) is out on the street, unemployed, living off the gratitude of others and without a network to care lovingly for.

So, if you are a multi-national telecommunications company with offices in every continent (and more importantly, the beltway around Washington, DC), I would urge you to hire Peter. As I'm gainfully employed and hence unavailable, your only choice left is Peter. He can wear a tie and pull it off! He can wax eloquently about the virtues of de-peering and knows how to say "We can't peer with you, here is the number for our sales department" in five or six languages. He can also wire up a cross-connect, or in some case, remove one!

If you are a content provider, he's your man! (I don't do content, so in this case, you are stuck with Peter). He would bring class and soberness to your mid-twenties network and engineering groups. He personally knows all those international telecommunications companies, along with some of the amazing low prices that can be got for partial-transit if they don't bite on the peering request. Let's admit it, you know you have to pay to ship out some of that "adult content", you just need a guy like Peter to negotiate it. Once Peter's onboard, you can go back to focusing on cool networking toys and fast cars, while Peter does the icky stuff. Oh... you have to open an office in Reston, VA however it won't be as cool as your San Francisco digs!

Hire Peter! He's your man! You know he needs an AS to look after.

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