GOB 2: Looping Lasers


コメント (21)
  • Thank you guys so much for watching the episode! It’s sad to see these fellows losing, but these things happen! If you are interested in joining the official server, here’s the link: discord.gg/UgEe3NP. Animation Auditions and BG Auditions are open!
  • That soldier fell with honour and grace, and will never be forgotten. Though time calls for the crossfire that reins up ahead, a man's land is yet to [B]e crossed. I saw that high-speed in you when you vowed that you triumphed for your ally, and now that I am seeing it with my iron sights, I can tell you have lifted yourself upwards. I must commend you for your vigorous ease. Now as we stand on the sacred soil today, I become your guidance, your general, your lieutenant. I shall assist in paving your way to the success you yearn for. After all, a leader like me desires a fearless, mighty, and unbreakable army.
  • [B] Greetings and salutations once again. Burrito here again to scribe another review on a GOB episode so let’s get to it: First off, I will explain as to why I casted my vote for Badge this episode. The reason I did so was because he managed to fully bring out the soldier in him and actually present his sergeant nature to the audience. He truly showed the qualities that forged a perfect lieutenant: bravery, encouragement, endurance, strength and tenacity. This is what truly made Badge shine in this episode, especially in the scene where he was comforting and pulling Checker up from the dumps to show that Badge not only has a soft side but has this honorable morality that a soldier shouldn’t be deserted and left behind because a general always needs an army and their top trooper, otherwise he is not who he is. It makes the scene more endearing and heartwarming when you learn that Checker is puling and weeping over a plastic kitchen utensil, and the fact that Badge was the first one to step in and be her guidance honestly paints him as a caring and solicitous person, which increases his reputation as a character already. He even takes the time to perform a speech in regards to Checker’s saddening loss, which heightens this considerate nature even more. It really goes to show that tough guys also have a soft core and covers shouldn’t always be judged. This was why I voted for Badge. He has demonstrated a lot of his persona in this episode and I must say that he is going to be a loved character as time goes on. Next up, as a writer, I think it’ll be nice to point out at my contributions to the script of this episode so let’s get to it: •First of all, at 8:12 of the video, I think I was the one that indirectly suggested that Cactus could actually wield a real laser gun for the challenge because I thought it would compliment and suit her character really well and also splices in a tang of humor and comedy into the mix. Correct me if I am wrong on this one. •Coincidentally, I was the one who wrote the Badge and Checker scene at 9:56 to 11:24. That Liy Guy also helped shorten and chip down the scene due to its original length so accolades to him for not making it drag on for too long. Anyways, when writing that scene, I wanted to spark this hope in Checker’s heart and the only way to get through to someone and uplift them is through the power of motivation and encouragement, and that has to come from Badge because he should strive to achieve success alongside his army, which means that he won’t leave anyone behind; cliche war saying being put into satisfactory use if must say. This speech that Badge had to propose needed to be powerful and I think I managed to do that quite a lot since it not only impacted Checker positively but it seemed to have an impact on the viewers, because most of you who voted Badge stated that he was really kind to Checker and managed to assist her in a period of struggle, which refers to this scene. So, with that data, I think this scene I wrote was a success because I managed to get to the viewers’ heart and tell them that Badge won’t always be uptight and stuck up, sometimes you have to let your tougher side take the bench for a while and become more tender because an equilibrium is required to keeps a man at his feet. I am actually proud of how this scene turned out. It was done so perfectly. TheSeualActor managed to voice Checker so perfectly in this scene and I was blown away by how amazing your crying impression sounded because it really placed emphasis on how much Checker misses her good friend, so great job to you. Lilrwar did a fantastic job at voicing Badge in this scene too, and I must say that I am surprised at how you managed to keep up with the long lines that Badge rambled on about. You, good person, are excellent at voicing this tough military character and I love how you managed to provide him with a softer gruff voice for the scene to be more emotional. I am unaware of who animated this scene and drew out the background but outstanding jobs to you guys because you captured the emotional and heartfelt scene so perfectly through the different gestures to the picturesque scenery and foliage that surrounded them. Outstanding job to all of you. I also apologize if the scene dragged out for too long, that’s all my fault. Sorry. Now, I am going to talk about some notable things to take note of in this episode: •As you can see, Burger and Pomegranate have forged an alliance due to the meshing of their great minds, which means that they will be able to cope and work well with each other, so keep an eye on them. •Cactus has built a recovery center by accident so we finally have some means of recovery in the show. •A possible Popcorn and Cat Card companionship is being formed due to their reaction. •The objects know that they are being watched by thousands. Here are some trivia stuff to remember: •Cologne is the first ever contestant to be put up for elimination twice (in a row too). •Blueberry is the first female contestant to die. •Spork is the first ever contestant to be eliminated. I don’t think there’s as much as I thought. A small note I must make known is some feedback that has been received from episode 2 and some people have commented on the inconsistent animation. To be honest, I feel like if the animation is comprehensible and the animation flows perfectly with the actions that were delivered, then everything should be fine. Some have their own different animation styles and it makes me happy to see that everyone is working together, despite their different styles. You have to set those aside and work past that. That’s just something small I wanted to touch upon, and I won’t go on about it too much. Though, this criticism will help in future episodes so thank you for providing the crew and moderators with feedback to work from. Though, apart from that, I would like to commend and applaud all of the people that helped make this episode possible, especially in the span of approximately 22 days. That’s insane. You all are amazing. Also, I can say on behalf of the crew that we are thankful for the ongoing support, which is evident in how many people are voting in the comments. I am glad that this show is off to a great start so let’s all make episode 3 just as better. That’s enough from me. I usually post these reviews early but I decided to wait it out because I was a bit indolent but now I have it out. Anyways, bye.
  • Really well-made episode, I've noticed the improvements from the first one. Keep it up, this show has potential! [E] I liked her modesty and enthusiasm, her preachiness wasn't overbearing either so would like to see her around for longer.
  • [A] I’m curious to see if they can develop overtime to appreciate the competition and overcome their laziness.
  • [B] just has a kindness to him, also he reminds me of Brick from total drama
  • @Okenku
    [B] I've never really seen characters like this in any object show before! His relationship with Checker is a good arc as well, I hope they're both safe! Really liked the episode guys!
  • Challenge: 8,5/10 Writing: 8/10 Graphics: 6,5/10 Overall: a 7,8 at this episode very good work! Also [C] is a very good character.
  • [B]adge has been so nice to checker, I want to see more of him
  • @JTD845
    I'm so glad I was able to contribute this episode! This is a great show, and I can't wait for future episodes! Anyway, I'm voting [A] because I like their personality and I feel they might be in danger.
  • I wanna see more of [C]urtain, he's so entertaining!
  • [B] He May Seem A Little Annoying At First But He Still Has A Heart And Cares About His Friends And Fellow Allies/Comrades