Daddy's Coming Home written and performed by Dave Johnson, VA Beach, VA

Published 2015-03-09
"Daddy's Coming Home" written and performed live by: Dave Johnson, My son Dennis Pothier (US Navy) assisted getting me public domain pictures for this movie creation. When I first heard the song Dave wrote, it moved me emotionally and this was my immediate vision for it. Dave gave me permission to post it here, please share, like, comment. Dave Johnson is a fantastic full time VA Beach musician and I believe this an absolute work art he wrote and I just love this song!! Enjoy!!!

All Comments (2)
  • @twinclarinets66
    David - you, Dennis and Dave Johnson have given the world (including me) a most wonderful gift.  Thank you so much!  For a variety of reasons, this video moved me emotionally as well - to tears.  Looking forward to meeting you sometime soon.  Congratulations to you and Dave for an awesome video and song.  ~ Fred Johnson (Dave's Dad)  ;-)