June 14. 2024 - BC United candidate controversy

June 14. 2024 - The BC United party is hit by a candidate controversy involving Asad Gondal, the president of the BC Muslim Association, and the fallout affects party leader Kevin Falcon in a variety of ways. Host Rob Shaw is joined by Allie Blades, Jillian Oliver and Jeff Ferrier. Brought to you by Uber Canada.

コメント (9)
  • This is worse than anything the BC Conservatives have done candidate-wise.
  • Decline in support for lgbtq is likely for reasons such as: 1) parents presumed less trusted than teachers to know if their child has changed their name and gender, 2) Mother's Day cancelled as being non inclusive in many BC public schools, 3) Father's Day, same thing, 4) local authors not permitted to tell stories at BC schools with 'mom and dad' as primary characters, 5) concerns about medical/surgery on children, 6) concern that psychologists and scientists must 'affirm' childrens' beliefs, whereas questioning based on their expertise and science can been seen as anti-lgbtg and hateful with professional consequences, 7) concern about lgbtq activism such as support for the elimination of Israel, 8) concern that raising any concerns such as those above may result in being labelled 'far right' by cbc, chek, most mainstream media, 9) concern that expressing any of above and wanting children to learn about traditional family structure and related comments / advocacy could be labelled 'hate speech' and subject to $75,000 fine if online harms bill passes. In a nutshell, many people were big supporters of lgbtq rights when it was seen as part of giving them freedom to do what they want, however now it is affecting how all of our children are taught, the ability to celebrate and encourage traditional families (while also respecting less traditional families in a free society), what we are able to say, potential persecution if you try to speak your concerns, ie it is seen as threatening people's way of life. An example of a fear is something like this: 1) a parent raises concern about cancelation of Mother's Day or about school policy that parents aren't informed when their child changes their name and gender, 2) the school flags the parent as potentially hateful and reports the parent to the MCFD, 3) the MCFD investigates parents by interviewing and monitoring with or without approaching the parents directly. These parents may completely love their child in every way regardless of their gender expression, although thinking they have a legitimate parenting role to play (as opposed to merely 'affirming' anything the child says), but by questioning the ideology they are labeled as hateful. Decline in support for lgbtq can thus be seen not as lacking compassion for people and their rights but seeing the extension of their rights go to a weird extreme that impacts everyone, especially conservatives .
  • " The BC Conservatives are radical.....or wait, that's us." Kevin Falcon just keeps failing...