Nice try, "Liz".

Published 2023-05-13
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0:00 – intro
2:46 – elizabeth who?
7:38 – presenting “liz” holmes (lol)
22:15 – nobody is falling for this btw...
25:29 – conclusion

elizabeth holmes just tried to make one of the worst comebacks i've ever seen (ft. the new york times)

All Comments (21)
  • Hi you look great today thanks for watching!! Anyway, you’ll be amazed at what you can do with GrammarlyGO. Sign up at and get 20% off Grammarly Premium ✨
  • @kat1827bm
    A person who put hundreds of cancer pantients life at risk doesn’t deserve a “redemption arch” if anything she deserves “damnation dome” aka prison, more prison.
  • okay but a mother convicted of a drug crime would never be given the grace of “what about her kids!” and this lady LITERALLY scammed people and nearly killed them
  • @nightangel486
    So her entire persona was created because she didn't want to be stereotyped as a woman...but now that she's facing jail it's time to whip out the Soft Feminine Devoted Mother feminine stereotypes
  • @baldbinch8480
    We all know why she’s being treated differently than most female offenders… it’s because she’s white and rich and has cultivated a backing of influential white men who are enamored by her. Even after her being ousted from Theranos she was able to quickly find new financial backing and support in the form of a wealthy husband and in laws who will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to defend her. She’s still in the business of manipulation, just now instead of putting on a tenor voice and wearing turtlenecks to manipulate investors, she’s wearing Target brand neutrals and putting on a “naiive mother” persona to manipulate the press.
  • @TinyGhosty
    Love the irony of her calling her machine Edison, when Edison notoriously stole inventions from other people and faked a lot of his own importance.
  • @zen_ccg
    She gets to have her children comfortable in her own home (or hospital), meanwhile female prisoners who were pregnant at the time of sentencing have to give birth while incarcerated and have their children taken away. The double standard feels like whiplash
  • @AmyAberrant
    I hate the idea that someone can escape criticism for doing evil because “but I’m a woman” or “but I’m a mother.” It is so manipulative and disgusting.
  • I think we ALL need a tape of how elizabeth "charmed" MILLIONARE SCIENTISTS into funding her idea, because, in interviews she's freaking creepy.
  • @heavenwaits
    REMINDER: elizabeth holmes psychologically tortured an employee until he took his own life. decided to have kids knowing they wouldn’t see her until they’re in double digits. just saying.
  • I don’t know why but the fact that she chose to have children even when she knew she was facing jail time makes her feel more like a villain to me. Like it’s just so irresponsible
  • As a successful woman in the tech industry, Liz pisses me off so much. We all want to see a woman succeed in tech and own that "boss girl" attitude (or any attitude tbh) - but not if you're going to cheat and lie your way there. Her actions are such a setback; people will point to her and say, "Look what happens when you let a woman lead!". Like girl, it's hard enough as it is, you didn't need to make it worse. And now she's trying to further use her womanhood to get out of this mess. This is exactly why it's hard for women and minorities in general to get opportunities - because when we do we're accused of using that status to get ahead. And Liz is who they'll be using as proof.
  • "the fault is not in our stars, it's in your blood testing machines" absolutely top tier joke, cackled out loud, woke up my dog that has dementia who woke up the whole house, 100000/10
  • @hannahb2306
    The whole “how could I accuse her as she nursed her baby” thing is wild to me because like… being a parent doesn’t mean you can’t do horrible things? It’s totally possible that she is a good mom, AND that she scammed people knowingly.
  • @kitschkyyt
    "don't girl-boss too close to the sun or this could happen to you" they really said how can you support women's rights without supporting women's wrongs 😭😭😭
  • @Juiceharlot
    I hate when people say “mistake“ when it’s a “bad choice” She made choices.
  • As a biomarker scientist, she grinds every one of my gears. Plenty of actual scientists were telling her the problems with her model. She specifically pitched to non-scientists.
  • @kitmakin289
    What aggrevates me is that they try to have her having kids be a "don't put her in jail" argument when poor mothers with MUCH lesser charges or crimes get sent to jail with their kids or babies thrown into the foster system. Yet another "one rule for the poor, no rule for the rich". And I'm a prison abolitionist which says something about how angry it makes me someone who put people's lives at risk use children as a dodge from something I don't think should even exist.
  • There's such an uncanny valley when looking at her eyes while she lies through her teeth and parrots catchphrases / buzz words in her interviews
  • @k-avocado395
    I’ve been a lab tech for over 15yrs and I was FLOORED by this whole story. The one good thing is it does show its very difficult to fake science. You WILLL be found out. It’s terrifying how she doesn’t see how she could have (and I think did) hurt or “unalive” many people! Doctors are only as good as their lab results. Lab is the unsung hero of the hospital. If the doctor doesn’t have accurate lab results then they will make wrong decisions for care. Those results tell them what’s going on. Yeah this whole “personality” shift is creepy. She sounds like a sociopath. I find it disgusting of the author to fall for this BS. Just because she pushed something out of her vag doesn’t me she’s not a sociopath 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️