My First Time Playing Atomic Chess


コメント (17)
  • Now THIS is the queen checkmate. Not your queen + king Endgames, THIS is a queen mate.
  • Atomic chess is actullay the first chess variant (besides normal chess) I ever played!
  • I kind of want to add this to my fairy chess engine, but it might be a bit of a headache. Cause the process is it takes the move types a piece has, and generates move data for those that are valid, which packs into an int all the params that are actually needed to change the board state, like to and from coords, en passant flags, and side effect to/from (for casting). Piece invuln is normally trivial: you just treat it as an invalid move. But here you have a 3x3 which can be valid but only capture selective pieces therein; how do you pack all that extra info into 64 bits? Might have to do like I did with en passant and have an indexable list of unique move type data that the move can index. So you just store the index as a reference to the special effect type. That makes sense. Sorry for rambling, hope this is interesting to someone
  • Quick correction here, at 7:30 you don't have to respond to check if you can play a king capture checkmate. (blowing up the king is a valid move for toast here). this is true for any variant that allows king captures like spell chess.
  • 5:37 this is a known opening trap in atomic. Nf7 loses the game for white after Qh4, g3, Qc4, d3, and Qxc2 winning a pawn and 2 pieces and trading the queens. Instead, after f5, white needs to play d4 or h4, and then black is probably slightly worse but there's ideas for both sides.
  • I actually completely forgot that I had played a bunch of atomic years ago and got to over 1750 elo. Guess I still remembered how to play it well even if I didn't remember that I had played a lot lol
  • Hi Green Lemon Games, I hope you see this message. I want to sincerely apologize for my comment during one of your streams where I called you "lazy." I deeply regret my words and the impact they may have had on you. I have learned that you work 10 hours a day and that you dont have that much time for your chess streams so im really sorry that i called you "lazy." I genuinely enjoy and appreciate your streams, and I am grateful for the effort you put into them. I hope you can forgive me for my mistake.