Iron Man 3 at MTV movie awards

I would like to point out that I actually was looking forward to this but I was looking forward to the catching fire teaser trailer just a little bit more so yeah call me a hunger games fanatic.

コメント (8)
  • I'm liking the POV shots. Gives a different perspective. So excited for this movie!!!!
  • I can't wait to see this movie! Thanks for uploading! Oh, by the way, don't let those negative comments get to you. They're just being jerks.
  • @William Farrelly I know it's going to be one of the biggest movies of the year and I'm actually looking forward to seeing it this summer.
  • @Jason Tom you guys could hear and see the clip so I don't see why you are complaining. Truthfully you guys should be thanking me for uploading footage of the clip and not complaining like the people you are.
  • Dude seriously didn't ask for commentary. And yes we could've watched but some of us have jobs and lives
  • @Jerry Lino if you don't have anything nice to say to me then just don't say it.