Video-101 Network creating on Network wire harness by creo parametric for 3D routing of car lamp

video content:

How to do 3D routing in creo parametric
Video tutorial for wire routing in creo parametric
Connector routing wire routing in creo parametric
Creating frame sheet metal for harness
Assembly for harness
Demo practice creo harness
Connector importing in creo parametric
Download connector for harness routing
Create wire in creo parametric
Insert location in wire
Reroute wire in creo parametric
Coloure to wire in creo parametric
parameter to connector in creo parametric
Working directory in creo parametric
Create sheet metal in creo parametric
Create assembly in creo parametric
Create harness assembly in creo parametric

#mechanical #designing
#industrial Skill
#designing skills
tutorial of Creo parametric 5.0
learing 3D modeling
Creo parametric
creo parametric lessons
all commands in creo parametric
basics of creo parametric
Development planing
sheet metal Work in creo
#mechanical Engineering
sheet metal by Creo parameter
#creo #

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