Mario Odyssey but EVERY MOON he gets FASTER

Published 2022-08-14

All Comments (21)
  • @Fir
    Nobody tell 🤫
  • @Randomness823
    Mario shouting "PEACH" at the top of his lungs as he launches himself at her faster than the speed of light only to miss horribly is so fucking funny to me
  • @BunniiBro
    22:30 “We need to make it to that island eventually” Flies right past with speed beyond human comprehension “It looks like I overshot a little bit. 😐👌
  • @kotops
    25:17 "wow the gravity feels normal I here" Said Cappy as Mario shoots to the sky with a single jump
  • @_G.C
    They should make it so where your speed isn't based on how many moons you have total, it should be how many you're carrying at the time. That way you have to plan out which order you want to grab them in based on your speed, while leaving the easier ones for your highest or lowest speeds
  • @Saucetin.
    Mario Odyssey but each moon is an adrenaline shot
  • @cubeecabin
    20:25 Not gonna lie, I thought he jumped so fast, he just clipped from one part of the stage to another. Amazing transition there.
  • @SA00Toad
    Cappy: "Weird! The gravity feels normal in here!" Mario immediately proceeds to zoom through the entire moon cave in one jump
  • @SourMnMs
    "Mario's going so fast his clothes are coming off." Truly one of the quotes of all time.
  • @gsampson97
    It feels like ages since we saw some Mario odyssey, and even more since we saw any kind of speedruns, I miss stuff like coinless, jumpless and minimum captures
  • @war1011
    Ok but props to the camera man for keeping up with Mario