Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Publicado 2022-08-14
John Oliver discusses what’s happened since the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, how their ongoing crisis has even more to do with our decisions than you might think, and how to properly modify the verb “feel”.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TS-xn1mc
    “Things are going worse than you may know” should be the official slogan of this show.
  • @LayBan
    I work in refugee resettlement in the US and for the past year, I have worked exclusively with Afghans. What a year it has been. I was talking with one of my clients today, an 18--year old girl and she said "it was one year ago the taliban took over Kabul. It was a normal school day for us. I had a math test. I still don't know how I did on the test." I couldn't help but laugh because her humor was dark but she coped with it and her, along with the hundreds other I've been working with this year, are wonderful people. Thank you for highlighting Afghanistan.
  • @khaterasultani
    Thank you so much for being the voice of the Afghan people. Things are going worse than you may know please DO NOT forget us!🙏🙏
  • “Yell what hurts into this bag, then leave” sounds a lot like the American healthcare system tbh… except you then get charged over $1000
  • @maxmaxy8989
    As an Afghanistan citizen, I really appreciate your show and showing what is going on in my country. Thank you so much
  • @marxman6896
    "I look like a Pokemon whose final evolution is a graphing calculator" this is now one of my all-time favorite LWT jokes. Absolutely brilliant.
  • @a_8850
    I always, always learn something important, at least a few strategic facts if not a game-changer, when I watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Thanks for what you folks do! It's important.
  • @BipolarGreg
    No salaries for critical workers is definitely a really bad sign - you'll lose a whole generation of skilled workers as they turn to whatever jobs are available with no guarantee of the old infrastructure coming back. Even worse is the disillusionment that comes from that - basically a guarantee for more radicalization.
  • I just wanna say that man who sold his kidney to feed his daughter's is an incredible father. im honestly speechless...
  • @iRushil
    This is too heartbreaking for us to actually comprehend what's happening to this people.
  • @MsAMP1981
    That baby. 😭 Just the whole scene. The whole situation. We still need to work to get people who helped Aotearoa New Zealand out. We have let them down so hugely. And it's heart breaking.
  • My company was subcontracted last year to give aid to Afghan refugees. Let me tell you that this was human suffering unlike anything I've seen in my lifetime. I'm a grown ass man and i still tear up when I think about the absolute horror stories that were shared with us. On a brighter note, i showed the afghans respect and they gave it back ten fold. Absolutely amazing people. And if you're not acquainted with Afghanistan's history and culture i highly recommend the reading. Absolutely fascinating.
  • @randomilol14
    As an Afghan, I really appreciate John and his team for bringing up this topic yet again! Thank you ❤
  • @matt_cummins28
    Great, great piece, John. Brilliant summing up of this horrifying, heartbreaking and heinous situation. Thank you.
  • @mikiqex
    My "favorite" thing was they interviewed a Taliban member about education of girls. He contradicted that girls are allowed to continue their studies, only they're required to attend a designated schools. Then he was asked, how many of those schools there are. His answer probably won't surprise anyone: They didn't designate them yet.
  • @saoirsecameron
    “Food, but no money to buy it with” So the Irish famine then. Or the Bengali famine. Or basically every other famine of colonial occupation.
  • Oh man this was a particularly tuff one to watch! I love how John is still up there cracking jokes, I need to take a page from his book on keeping it light!