Pink Diamond is NOT gone!

YEAH Controversial statement, I know!
But it's been bugging me that I have to reexplain my reasoning behind this too many times, so I figured I'd make a video about it.
There were too many scenes that pushed the idea of Pink not being gone, and then to suddenly shove her off puts Steven in a bad position.

We're stuck in a loop of Steven having to put up with Pink Diamond's past. Bad guy comes to kill Steven because of his mother, and Steven ends up forcing friendship on them to reform them. It's just too repetitive and predictable, which is why after the White Diamond fiasco Steven Universe fans have started to lose interest.
(Steven Universe Future is doing this again btw, more "Pink Diamond Was Bad" plotlines that we see coming from a mile away.)
I still love SU though, and I'm gonna see it through until the end!

But I swear if I see another "Didn't you hear Pink Steven say She's Gone" comment I'm gonna lay down and hibernate for the next four months

Yeah we all heard him loud
but with what the show established, it was not clear nor true

コメント (21)
  • @klimmr
    My theory was/is that when Steven was hit by the Rejuvenator, it did reset his gem back to Pink Diamond. However, we don't see the effects until SU Future. Pink's Destructive Powers from her earliest form are now literally shining through Steven and the longer it goes, the more corrupted Steven gets. Edit: Wow, thanks for giving this comment over 4k likes!
  • @mosey3127
    Pearl inside Pearl inside Pearl’s Pearl. Also wouldn’t it be cool to go into Steven’s gem and meet his mother.
  • I think when steven was hit by the Rejuvenator, it did reset his gem back to Pink Diamond. The reason she didn't come, was because Stevens human half made it impossible. That's why his gem was glowing pink. Pink Diamond was trying to form, but couldn't.
  • @Dragynn5
    I agree with you that Rose is WAY to demonized by the fanbase. Her character development is fascinating and the implications of Steven's feelings about her being reflective of her own feelings about herself are wild.
  • I really believe pink diamond could have been brought back when white diamond took Steven’s gem out and used the rejuvenator on it
  • The whole "she's gone" line is pretty much "I am Steven not pink diamond " Rose said in the message that she will always be a part of him but she isn't him
  • My theory: Steven has always almost suffered PTSD and Depression due to his "adventures", but because of Rose always loving him, those mental disorders were never really a problem. But when Spinel rejuvenated Steven, Rose stopped loving Steven because she was probably inexistant at that point, and now the mental disorders Pink held back are now rushing in Steven's mind. On a sidenote, people with depression intentionally reject the love of their loved ones, but due to Pink being subconsciously attached to Steven's mind, he couldn't reject her affection so thats neat.
  • @sukatidi
    when he gets hit, his gem is glowing a little bit, and he said his gem tried to poof but his human body kept it from doing so. when a gem poofs, it later reforms, so had he poofed, he wouldve gone back to pink, but steven is also human, and now steven in recent episodes has pink's emotions actions and powers like she first did, the emotional outbursts and feeling like she cant do anything, compared to the others around her (as seen when she had her temper tantrum at yellow when asking for a colony too, and well steven now in SUF showing the exact same behavior), etc, so my theory is, his gem DID in fact go back, but because theres his body, pink is STUCK.
  • I mean rose even said, and I quote, “I’m going to become HALF of you!”. She’s still there almost...
  • Even back in season 1 when the room first glitched, the small pink floating whale asks Steaven "What do you want Steven?" when he's falling in distress, IN HER VOICE! It's obvious she has some control over her room
  • The reason that the reguvenator reset his gem to young pink Steven, is that it counts as a factory defualt, the womb acting like a gem's kindergarden. Steven's birth put pink Steven's base code where Pink's base code was, and moved her base code to an inactive subfolder in the same main folder.
  • I have nothing against your theory but I feel the need to clarify something. Pearl having “layers” is actually a reference to how real pearls are created, in layers. This could very well be a pearl specific gem ability. We can’t assume every gem is able to do this. Nothing wrong with the rest of the with the theory but there are some holes...
  • Jasper: Dies. Also Jasper: Gets revived like a minute later. Pink Diamond: Dies. Also Pink Diamond: Stays dead.
  • @aliendxde
    "especially for jaspers return" fragments laughing in the distance
  • I actually really like this idea. It makes a lot of sense and you support it very well. Headcanon accepted!
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one mad at how the Diamonds were redeemed when they have done way worse then Pink Diamond. It was such bullshit. Still love the show though
  • I've always wanted Rose to still be around somehow. I don't know why I just never wanted her to be gone. I was the tiniest bit disappointed when they said she was gone
  • @misseli1
    "You're watching her character development in reverse" There it is!