"The Forgotten Warrior: from ruthless killing machine to guardian of the planet."

Soldier is a sci-fi action film released in 1998 about an elite group of soldiers in the future that the military develops from childhood through genetic selection and brutal training. The protagonist, Todd, is part of this elite group of soldiers, and he receives rigorous military training from an early age to become a ruthless warrior. However, over time, the military has developed more advanced soldiers, and these new soldiers not only have greater combat abilities, but are also implanted with high-tech equipment that makes Todd and his fellow soldiers obsolete.

Considered useless after a failed mission, Todd was abandoned and dumped on a distant, abandoned planet. This planet is inhabited by people forgotten by society, who seek resources from the ruins to survive. Here, Todd experiences emotional challenges and human trials like he has never experienced before. He begins to question his lifelong training and beliefs while fighting to protect the planet's inhabitants, and ultimately finds his own humanity and sense of belonging.

コメント (21)
  • When DVD's came out , Soldier was one of my first choices. Still watch it.
  • @MrYoyochu
    I love all these old movies. IT has more meaning than the current ones.
  • I love that one of his awards in his service record was the o'neil award. Totally not a nod to him having played o'neil in the stargate movie 4 years earlier.
  • You did it justice thank you. Kurt Russell is still a badass
  • @darkwulf23
    What I don’t get is why would you replace one elite unit in their prime with a superior elite unit in their prime instead of using both? That is wasted money and experience.
  • @41663
    I loved this show back when it came out and now. Its a good story. Thank you for putting it out
  • @101brianbl
    One of my all time favorites, too. You omitted one scene that was a fav... after lifting the little boy in his arms, one of the solders looks at Todd curiously, and Todd's gives a slight nod - it says volumes. One of the reasons Kurt Russell is such an outstanding actor. He carries this film and says something like only 10 words in the whole thing. Unbelievable awesome movie.
  • @BluBarron
    Even greedy capitalism would have known to make the vets NCO’s and let them lead the new guys. We learned long ago that experience is priceless.
  • They can never remake this classic, but they can try to do a continuation of a sequel with carefully selected new casts.
  • @TuckerDale89
    Kurt Russel got his son to play him at a young age in this movie like he did in the Monarch series
  • @killer4kash
    This is anvery deep a beautiful movie that most will mistake as a surface level 90's B Action Movie. The whole journey of Todd 3465 is a comparison of examples of what so many veterans go through after what for many of them seems like a lifetime of war. Discarded without a place to call a home, desperately struggling to integrate back into society. This is real ass shit man.
  • @kreyton9481
    Man you don't have to say Tod3465 every time 😂 You can just call him Tod
  • This is the best film it got a villain who looks French and it got emotional damage from the way they treated him the best BEST
  • @1sunnyosh
    The best movie of my childhood ❤ i got weeping
  • @Jekkzur01
    Always one of the best of all time. This and Solo are amazing movies
  • @TheJtjensen
    I have it on VHS, I have a VHS player and a olde style tv.