A Mongoose and Black Mamba Fight to the Death

A mongoose is lightning fast and has razor-sharp teeth. A black mamba can kill 15 grown men with just one bite. Which of these two mortal enemies will win?


コメント (21)
  • @konstrik
    Black Mamba: Im one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Mongoose: Ok
  • I'm surprised a major athletic team hasn't used this little animal's name as a symbol. Fast, fearless, smart and always taking on bigger badder opponents.
  • Black Mamba: I'm feared by 7 billion humans, the deadliest species on this earth. Mongoose: Why is my spaghetti making noises?
  • Mamba: “I’m the deadliest of snakes” Mongoose: “Bless your heart!”
  • @xxxxmimi
    this is kind of crazy, I’ve seen snakes move around even with their head cut off but one bite totally immobilized this deadly snake. Respect to mongoose
  • Snake stats: -Strength: 1/10 -Speed: 5/10 -Reflexes: 7/10 -Stamina: 4/10 -Special ability Venom: 10/10 Mongoose stats: . . . Doesn't matter, has cheat codes immunity to the special ability.
  • Black mamba: “I am the most feared creature in this forest!” Mongoose: that’s nice
  • Doesn't matter if Mongoose is immune from Venom or Not, He Didn't took 1 single bite and kept dodging the snake like "The Matrix Speed" . He killed the Opponent with his pure combat ability without relying on his special immune system.
  • Mongoose, the undisputed, underrated, unanimous underdog killer of all time 🏆🏆🏆
  • I like how the mongoose keeps on looking at the camera lol. He’s like you’re recording this right?
  • Mongoose:*mutates and become immune to snakes venome* Snake: wait that’s illegal
  • @vond5829
    Venomous snakes: *Entire shtick being extreme poison Mongoose: "What's this spicy sauce?"
  • @ly5504
    Black mamba: "I'm the deadliest sna..." (Neck snaps) Mongoose: 😎🍽
  • Mongoose: bites ! Snake: I can’t feel my legs !!
  • The mongoose and the honey badger are natures little badasses