The LONGEST LIVING People Eat THIS Everyday!

There are many aspects of our eating habits that could be vastly improved. In fact, the Standard American Diet, which is full of processed foods, extra sugar, and saturated fats, is a big reason why people have so many health problems. We're lucky that there are other places in the world to get ideas from.

For example, the Blue Zones are five places around the world where there are the most centenarians. We can learn a lot from what the people who live the longest eat every day.

Before we talk about the foods, let's talk about the five Blue Zones. These locations include Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa in Japan, Ikaria in Greece, Nicoya in Costa Rica, and Loma Linda in California. Despite the fact that each zone eats different foods based on its environment and way of life, they all share many similarities in their eating habits.

#bluezones #livelonger #DocHealthy

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🔎 Sources:

⏱️ Intro - 0:00
⏱️ Blueberries - 01:28
⏱️Fish - 02:44
⏱️Leafy greens - 03:32
⏱️Olive Oil - 05:05
⏱️Purple Sweet Potatoes - 06:06
⏱️Nuts - 06:49
⏱️Avocados - 09:38
⏱️Beans, Pulses, and Legumes - 10:37
⏱️Oatmeal - 11:56
⏱️Green Tea - 12:44
⏱️Tomatoes - 13:58
⏱️Sourdough Bread - 14:54

🎵 Music:
YouTube Audio Library

✍️ Summary:

Blueberries are a great food to eat as a snack. Instead of eating bad foods when you're hungry between meals, you can eat some blueberries. They can also be used to make sweet treats and desserts.

Anthocyanins are also in blueberries, and they help lower the chance of a number of diseases. Blueberries can help you keep your weight in check. The fruit also helps protect nerve cells.
These berries are full of good things for your body, but they don't have many calories. Blueberries have antioxidants that can protect your cells from oxidative stress, which can damage D N A. They also make it less likely that a person will get cancer.


Adventists in Loma Linda often eat fish, even those who eat mostly plants. According to a study that followed 96,000 Americans since 2002, the people who lived the longest were neither vegans nor meat eaters, They were "pesco-vegetarians," or pescatarians, who ate mostly plants but up to once a day had a small amount of fish. In other Blue Zones, fish was a regular part of daily meals and was eaten about two to three times a week on average.

Leafy greens

I know you don't want to hear this, but you should start eating more healthy greens. It's not easy, since so many of us have avoided things like spinach since we were kids. Our brains are almost wired to stay away from leafy greens. Well, you'll have to forget all of that.

One way to live a long life is to eat a lot of leafy greens. They have a lot of vitamins and minerals. They are full of fiber and lower your risk of having a heart attack or high blood pressure.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is widely utilized in Mediterranean nations like Greece, Italy, and Spain. It's a key part of the "Mediterranean diet" that people talk about. Monounsaturated fatty acids, which are found in olive oil, are good for your heart.

Studies have shown that even half a tablespoon of olive oil is good for you. The results of that study showed that the people who took part were 20 percent less likely to get coronary heart disease.

Purple Sweet Potatoes

The purple sweet potato is full of good things for you. The ingredient in the potato that gives it its color is called anthocyanin. This pigment is also a powerful antioxidant that can help boost your immune system and prevent inflammation.

A good source of fiber is also the purple sweet potato. So, purple potatoes improve the health of your gut, which makes it easier to go to the bathroom. You can keep from getting sick with things like constipation and diarrhea.


When was the last time you ate a bowl of nuts? Nuts are full of healthy fats. They also have omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important. These help keep your L D L cholesterol, which is also called "bad cholesterol," low.

Nuts also have a lot of good things for you, especially fiber. Your cholesterol levels can be kept in check with fiber. Also, it helps keep your blood sugar level steady.

Antioxidants, which are found in nuts, fight free radicals, making you less likely to suffer reactive damage. They can also help reduce inflammation.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

Disclaimer: Doc Healthy's videos and channel are not meant to replace professional medical advice or treatment, but rather to serve as a resource for anyone interested in health and wellness. If you are experiencing any sort of health problem, you should contact a doctor immediate

コメント (21)
  • 🫐 blueberries 🫐. 🐠Fish..... leafy greens 🥬. Olive oil. Purple sweet potato 🥔. Nuts. 🥑 Avocado. Legumes. Pulses and beans 🥣. Oatmeal. .Green tea 🫖. .. tomatoes 🍅. Sourdough 🍞 bread. 💛
  • @belinalug6928
    It's nice to hear these good nutritional foods are all over the world not just in certain cities and countries
  • Use to eat lots of greens. Now I get nauseated when I'm around them at the grocery. When I do buy them, they tend to stay in the fridge. My stomach icks. But, my fruit has increased. Especially frozen bananas. Peel, put in ziplock bags and freeze. Take out and wrap with a paper towel and eat. Frozen banana popsicles!
  • @whitediamond613
    This video is the best healthy foods recommendations ever I watched. On this year January I been diagnosed with cervical cancer B1, and on June, after the operations, my cancer still was B1 and also my blood test changed almos nothing! All this, because I was eating all those healthy foods, which I found here in YouTube, from lots of other's healthy foods recommender. To be honest, I think the operations was wrong to do it, because after 2 months the operations, now my health much much worst than before the operations. Maybe now I even have a colonial cancer, I'm waiting for other medical examinations. But till there, I'll still carry on to eating all this healthy foods, special cale , almond and ginger, because I will never ever again going to do any other operations which need it to stop the cancer! In my family 2 people passed away of cancer in 1 years time, so that why I was surprised when in 5 months time my cancer tummor didn't grow! Following to keep eating that healthy foods what is necessary to your moments healthy life, it is LIFE SAVER!!🙏🙏💖🌅☀️
  • @Risteard156
    A excellent video on what foods are good for you 😊
  • Thank you for this great information i didnt know great blessing an continued health an success
  • @sphmoran28
    I have known these nutrional facts for 14 years now . I eat all these foods except for sourdough bread. I stay healthy and don't have maintenance medication as of now.
  • Loved tge clove tea segment. I have loved the smell since i was a child and grandma mollases cookies. They used to even use it at the dentist when you had a cavity. Looked forward to the dentist. The maybe not so healthy spice drops i used to take all the clove flavored one. Had my first cup of clove tea tonight with cinnamon and soy milk and was in heaven. I used the powder, not sure if i used to much. Thank you and will enjoy good dental health too! Thank you!
  • This is wat I eat I am so happy about your advice, my feelings was right. Love your program
  • Great clip I like that show we did very good on that explanation of what's good for you to eat and where and when I said it was some big long story how it worked out for you great show I liked it the music fit in really well too with what you were saying very well put together one of the best so far for me to listen to
  • @roadwary56
    I appreciate this information and believe it to be right for me. Every human is unique and there's no one size fits all diet. But this blue zone analysis makes a lot of sense. But what is not stated about these blue zones that is even more important essential is that the lifestyle of these people is nearly stress free compared to the areas where cancer and heart disease is common. Mental stress is definitely the number one killer of good health. I believe it's the combination of the diet and low stress environment that is the key to longevity in these areas. Genetics factor in too which is out of our control. But we can control our diet. We can control our thoughts and stress level as well. Lowering stress by choosing a more simplified minimalist lifestyle goes even further towards good health and longevity than diet does imho. I strive for all of the above. It's all one can do. Starting with awareness by watching videos on subjects like this one and learn to control our health choices and hopefully improve the quality of life. Live love laugh.
  • @2009jadeorchid
    awesome information! :virtualhug: maybe i should move to loma linda not that far away 💕
  • Olive oil is the key I believe I take with cayenne pepper and lemon juice every morning. If you’re going to buy olive oil there are three things you need to know to buy the real stuff one it Hass to have a harvest date to the bottle should be dark three it should be glass not plastic. The best olive oil only has one country of origin also. You don’t want to be drinking stuff that’s not olive oil. Stay happy and healthy the great awakening is coming awesomeness ahead
  • @ericskinner7355
    I'm not sure if I would just say cereals as if all of them are the same. There is a lot of negative and conflicting information about grains, the main ingredient in cereal.