SZA - Broken Clocks

SZA's "Broken Clocks" available on:
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"CTRL" available on:
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コメント (21)
  • @iy1231
    This video showed me that everyone needs to enjoy their younger years before the clock is broken which means it time for adulthood. That why she used summer as an example because we never want it to end. We want to live in the moment and burn daylight before it to late. To late cuz we have pieces and pages (bills). Working a job that doesn't value u. Enjoy your life strangers, live it up to the potential. :)
  • As an ex stripper who grew up going to Girl Scout camps getting in fights in strip clubs and getting fired this video and song always brings me to tears. This video/song reminds me of the joy of being little and feeling the joy of nature and friends, only to grow up and being forced into a bitter harsh world, and realizing time is of the essence and turning my life around from beautiful pain into redemption. Now I’m expecting my first child 👶🏾 and my life is so much different, but I don’t regret any of it because it all made me who I am today. How the time has flown by....
  • @Meami_ami
    Enjoy your youth while you can it goes by fast
  • LOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE THIS I appreciate your aesthetic SO SO much, especially what it represents for BLACK women. your creative vision, your quicky awkwardness, your fashion sense ect. ect. when i was younger i feel like "blackness" was something i wasn't allowed to identify with because i always wanted to do "alternative/white ppl things" (w/e that means) Like go to sleep away camp or jump in a lake a at whim (without repercussion of getting cursed out lol) This video reminds me of the nostalgia i feel for those times i wish i could have been more FREE. hopefully this makes sense. go awffffff. im routing for you sis
  • The girl who screamed "WAKE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" is freaking iconic!
  • i think the message behind this song is beautiful, and resonates with many. the sense of the struggle of trying to break from old habits - such as leaving a toxic relationship, trying to not be late to work, trying to stop going back to the strip club - and how the struggle is similar to trying to read the time from *broken clocks*. it also can be seen as feeling as though you are losing time, and wasting it all because it feels as though you can’t do anything with your life. we all feel as though our lives are slipping away like the sand in an hourglass, or the time on *broken clocks*. either way, each of the messages show us losing control/ctrl of our lives - and that, as a whole, represents the entire album. how control is a concept we seem to all be chasing, however impossible it may be. we will never have control. and the poignancy within that, is what writes the lyrics and characterises the flow of sza’s music.
  • @lex-du3en
    Bro, she said at midnight. It was midnight and it wasn't up so I said fuck it and went to sleep then I realized she was going off west coast time🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
  • when she wakes up from her dreams of the past to her real job felt so relatable it dead ass made me start to cry
  • Soooo we not gone speak how sza put the next name of next album in the song !!! “Sos you gotta wake up “
  • Dont anyone else miss the time when we all use to run around outside and play and junk like there was no tomorrow or is it just me
  • "I moved on for the better, you moved on to whoever"...felt that shit in my soul bruh...
  • SZA is one of the greatest artists of our generation
  • “I moved on for the better, you moved on to whoever” gets me every time
  • She got knocked out by some girl at the strip club she worked at. In the song she is talking about hard work, getting through the day, working shorty jobs and how hard it is. She also mentions a strip club. That’s where the ending comes into the song. When she got knocked out, she dreamed of being free and having fun at a camp and having innocence and her life back, she dreamed of what she really wanted. Then she wakes up at the end to see she is still at the strip club and she finds out what happened to her and that the camp was a dream. It has to do with the song because they both talk about hard work, life struggles, wanting to be free and working shitty jobs.
  • @0FlowerPop0
    This song felt so good back then & it feels so warm now. Some of the best memories were made to this song!
  • Growing up with strict parents and not having a taste of being with other children nor genuinely being happy as a teen is one thing that breaks me Literally Just woke up one day and had to work ,no teenage years nothing…. just living in complete sadness having a hard time finding myself🙂 At least such songs gave me a little joy