The High Price We Pay For Pursuing the Wrong Things in Life

Published 2022-09-28
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In this short fiction story, a young man is confronted with an insight about his future (and the future at large). This new perspective forces him to reconsider everything, including his desire to be known and remembered, his idea of success, and what he really wants from his short time in life.

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All Comments (21)
  • As always, thank you for watching. And thank you to Fabulous for sponsoring this video. The first 500 people who use the link - - will receive 25% off Fabulous Premium.
  • “There is no balance when one side of the scale requires everything from you.” Wow!
  • @ZachPincince
    The beautiful paradox of life: because nothing matters, anything actually can
  • @k-baye6292
    The idea that we'll all be forgotten is actually quite comforting
  • I was not happy in my twenties. I had no career, no wife, no hope. I mowed lawns for a living. I saw happy families enjoying life, and wished I could too, but it was out of my reach. Then in my thirties a friend and I started a construction business. I met a wonderful girl, got married and had two sons. We bought a beautiful home. We built a good life together and the years flew by. Our sons are grown now and have good lives of their own. We are still very close to them. I have been given everything I wanted in life. A loving wife, good sons who love us, a beautiful home, and a million good memories with my family. For me, this is success.
  • @eonryan8491
    “When you see everything, you realise how much is really nothing. And when you see nothing, you realise what is really everything.”
  • @Sword._Saint
    idk why people are worried about being forgotten. It always feels very relieving to me.
  • @henrikduende
    Never do anything to look good to others. Do YOU, not what you think others wants you to do
  • @7gdnz
    I used to have this fear, but I outgrew it. I don’t care if I’m forgotten, I don’t care about what’s on the other side, I can only hope I saved enough so my family doesn’t need to ask for donations and they don’t bury me so they can visit me. Burials are highway robbery, cremate me and pray I’m in a better place. Nothing lasts forever, there’s no regrets when you’ve accepted that fact
  • @Bill-tz3wg
    I'm so far ahead of the game. I'm not living to be remembered. I'm not living to be forgotten. I'm already forgotten while I'm still living.
  • @moduur8949
    This video struck a chord with me and the way I have decided to exist. I once believed that I needed to be more than what I am. That money would bring me happiness. That the local notoriety of being a chef and running a successful restaurant would be enough. I had to work and forsake all that I loved because the imagined prestige was what was important. The job would be enough to fill the void. As with most voids, no matter what I pour, smoke, snorted, or spent. It stayed empty. The void fostered the growth of nihilism. I walked up to the line of a pure nihilistic belief, that if there is nothing, then nothing I do matters. Why don't I do whatever the hell I want? Why don't I start sleeping around? Who cares if I start using people? They use me just the same. My morals and conscience are just getting in the way of the true happiness I so longingly desire. Then I got sober. I could have chosen a different path. I could have stayed drowning in a bottle of whiskey. I could have stayed in my nihilistic beliefs. I could have blamed my failings on anything other than myself. I could have achieved the death I longed for but needed an excuse for. Easier to die drunk in a wreck, than be responsible for slitting my own wrists. While my sobriety was force on me. I had to choose either a year in jail or enter an alcohol treatment court for my third OWI. The court gave me ownership of my sobriety. I was the one who chose not to drink or do drugs. I was the one that completed the court with no sanctions for slipping up. Any slip up did carry the weight of being sent to jail for a few days or being kick out of the court and having to serve my full sentence. As the cloud in my mind cleared and my will power was no longer smashed under the pressure of booze and drugs. I started to ask myself more questions. Why am I killing myself for money? Why am I working 60 hours a week with no enjoyment for life? Why have I missed so many birthdays, holidays, weddings, and vacations? Why does no one ever ask me to do something? Why do I have no friends? So, I walked away from what I loved doing. I took my sanity over my dream job. As I healed over the past few years, I believe that alcoholism stopped my emotion and mental growth. I was the maturity of a 17-year-old stuck in a 36-year-old body when I stopped drinking. I have found life not to be so bleak. The joys of my family returned to me. I started to spend time with my nephews and niece, learning who they are as individuals. I found my passion for reading and music return. I started to write again, letting my thought out on a piece of paper verse keeping them bottled inside. I fell in love with someone, who I am unable to tell. Because she believes that she is damaged and broken, as if we all aren't. But I feel sharing those feelings will do more harm than good. She needs to heal from her past, which may never happen. The hardest person to forgive is yourself. But I love her all the same. Best I can do is be a friend and listen. I write all this to simply say. I am not one of those people that can chase the idea of being remembered. I am an addict who becomes addicted to whatever I deem to be important, to the determent of everything around me and myself. I know when my life has run its course, there might be a few who mourn my passing and there might not. With me that is fine. What is important to me is that I am still here. I can't change the world. It is far too big for me, but I can affect the lives of those I love. I can share the peace I have found in myself. I can be the unjudging ear. I can share a piece of wisdom gained through my struggles. In the end, what I am is enough.
  • @mowli9242
    "Every Destiny is made of decisions ,every decision is made with goal in mind. Your destiny is only what you do,You can choose not to" . Wow!
  • I remember a year ago I first thought about the fact that I might one day be forgotten. It frightened me for a time. But eventually I realized most ARE forgotten. Most are meant to be just a blink in eternity, some shine for a little longer, few last longer then the rest. We are but stars in the night sky, shining for just a moment. But a few shine brighter then the rest, and those stars are remembered. In life we are meant to enjoy these brief moments. We enjoy the shine while it lasts and that is purpose of life. To enjoy it. Even for a moment.
  • I am impressed not only by these stories but the mind that creates these stories to invoke a certain feeling.
  • @jonaskoester
    "We will all be forgotten". First I was frigthened - then relieved. There is so much beauty in that statement.
  • @wasted828
    "there is no balance when one side of the scale requires everything from you"
  • Reminds me of a dialogue from the movie Mr. Nobody, "Each of these paths is the right path. Everything could have been something else, and it would have just as much meaning".
  • @ste4lth147
    As I always say one of my favorite 9 Or should I say humbling quotes, “death asked life, why does everyone hate me but love you? Life smiled back and said, because I am a beautiful lie and you are a painful truth.”
  • Being forgotten, especially by someone who means so much to you definitely and brutally hurts. At the end of the day if they are happy then you have to move on and try to enjoy your life while you still can. Tomorrow is never promised