Timeline: What If You Were Trapped In Darkness

Imagine being confined to a small, dark room, with no social interaction whatsoever. Not many people would jump at this opportunity. But, in November 2018, a professional US poker player Rich Alati bet US$100,000 that he could survive 30 days alone and in total darkness. He was kept in a small, completely dark room with nothing but a bed, fridge and bathroom.
Even with all the resources he needed to survive, Alati couldn’t last the month. After 20 days he negotiated his release, taking a payout of US$62,400.
But in this timeline video, we're going to show you what happens to you mentally and physically if you were forced to stay inside a dark room.

DISCLAIMER: This Timeline/Comparison is based on public data, surveys, public comments & discussions and approximate estimations that might be subjected to some degree of error.

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コメント (21)
  • @1Poohpa
    This would be more painful than a Time Loop like you can’t even see anything and you don’t know what’s going to happen
  • Moral of story: check if the king's castle you're trying to rob has a pitch black dungeon first.
  • @Ethecore
    I love how there is always a small backstory, so it doesn’t seem random
  • Fun fact: If you pause the video after watching him for a while it starts moving backwards
  • As a person that struggles with both clinical depression & agoraphobia, this is pretty much how living in darkness is like. 👤
  • I love how in all the timelines there is a backstory
  • @Jly531
    whenever I watch these videos I feel like I unlock a new fear😂
  • Me: calmly meditating and enjoying the peace the comes with darkness
  • 1:15 "you feel very threatened and and dont trust anyone" but theres no one there, how can you not trust them?
  • Dude ik this is scary but it’s so addicting to watch more is that just me??? 😭
  • The Hog Rider card is opened from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is an exceptionally quick structure focusing on, scuffle troop with decently high hitpoints and harm. He shows up very much like his Clash of Clans partner; a man with earthy colored eyebrows, a facial hair growth, a mohawk, and a brilliant body penetrating in his left ear who is riding a hoard. A Hog Rider card costs 4 Elixir to send. Procedure His quick move speed can help forward smaller than expected tanks like an Ice Golem in a push. Simultaneously, he can likewise work as a tank for lower hitpoint troops, for example, Goblins as he actually has a considerable lot of wellbeing. Most modest multitudes supplement the Hog Rider well, as they are close to as quick as him and typically power more than one card out of the adversary's hand. The Hog Rider battles with swarms, as they can harm him down and overcome him rapidly while impeding his way. Savages specifically can completely counter him without extremely severe planning on the safeguard's part, however be careful about spells. A Hunter can kill the Hog Rider in 2 hits whenever put right on top of it. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you place something before the Hog Rider, the Hunter's sprinkle will harm the Hog Rider and hit the card before it more. The Hog Rider related to the Freeze can amaze the rival and permit the Hog Rider to bargain considerably more harm than expected, particularly assuming that the rival's go-to counter is a multitude, or multitudes are their main viable counter to him. Skeletons and Bats will quickly be crushed by the spell, while Spear Goblins, Goblins, and Minions will be at low sufficient wellbeing to be crushed by a subsequent Zap or Giant Snowball. Nonetheless, this technique isn't exceptionally compelling against structures as the Hog Rider will require a significant stretch of time to obliterate the structure, giving the rival sufficient chance to express another counter. Against non-swarm troops, it can bargain a great deal of harm during the freeze time, however this can permit the adversary to set up a huge counterpush. Consequently, players ought to either possibly go for a Hog Rider + Freeze when they have different units upholding it from a counterattack, or then again in the event that the match is going to end and they need to bargain however much harm as could reasonably be expected. It's anything but smart to send in a Hog Rider just to annihilate a structure, particularly in the event that it is the main structure focusing on unit accessible, as overcoming Crown Towers turns out to be significantly more troublesome. Spells or basically holding up out the lifetime of the structure are more powerful. The exemption for this is an Elixir Collector put before the King's Tower. On the off chance that a Hog Rider put at the scaffold, he can annihilate the Collector for a positive Elixir exchange, however the harm from both Princess Towers will normally mean he doesn't make due to bargain any harm to them. In any case, assuming that the rival sends in shielding troops, it very well may be a chance to acquire spell harm esteem. In a deck with a few minimal expense cards, everything will work out for the best to just send the Hog Rider against one structure. These decks mix their card turn adequately speedy, that they will show up to their next Hog Rider before the following structure shows up in the adversary's card revolution. Since quite a while ago ran troops like Musketeer and Flying Machine can kill those structures, protecting a portion of the Hog Rider's wellbeing, conceivably permitting it to get some Tower harm. Whenever there are structures put in the center to counter the Hog Rider, understanding the arrangement of the Hog Rider and the sort of building set can help the Hog Rider to sidestep specific structures. Detached structures, for example, spawners and Elixir Collector have a bigger hitbox than cautious structures; and that actually intends that assuming an inactive structure was set 3 tiles from the waterway in the adversary's side, then, at that point, it is outside the realm of possibilities for the Hog Rider to sidestep that position as the Hog Rider will get pulled to that structure. Cautious structures have a more modest hitbox than an inactive structure, and that implies if that assuming a protective structure was put three tiles from the waterway in the rival's side, a Hog Rider put at the exceptionally left or right half of the Arena might have the option to sidestep it because of its more modest hitbox. Assuming the player has a structure previously positioned down in the focal point of the field, and the rival attempts to sidestep it with a Hog Rider at the edge of the field, they can utilize specific air troops to push the Hog Rider towards the structure as it gets around the stream, adequately denying the detour endeavor. They should be now drifting over the right arrangement, as extremely fast reflexes are needed to accurately play out this procedure. For Bats, Skeleton Dragons, and Minion Horde, they should be set directly before the Hog Rider when it is sent. For Minions, Skeleton Barrel, Mega Minion, Flying Machine, Electro Dragon, Baby Dragon, Inferno Dragon, Balloon, and Lava Hound, stun the above arrangement one tile to the right in the event that the Hog Rider is put on the left half of the field, as well as the other way around. They can likewise utilize ground troops to accomplish a similar outcome. yes. what am i doing with my life?
  • @piqachu
    I would wanna see this with the whole world
  • @G2334
    I love how most of this will probably never happen but if it dies they are prepared
  • Hats off to the person who actually robbed the kings castle and got isolated in complete darkness :(
  • @PVNK17
    Even within the next 15 seconds I will be totally scared that I might collapse.
  • @sanja8254
    Hi early!! But not first love this type of videos