Jet Chaos


The little drone wandered too far into the green zone, now constructs of chaos are trying to get it out of there. See how long you can manage the drone while its jets malfunction.

This game was developed in 48 HOURS for the GMTK Game Jam 2020! The theme is Out of Control. A couple minutes of game play will quickly demonstrate how my game fits the theme.

It ranked #46 Overall. There were just over 5400 submissions.

Keyboard Controls:

  • WASD or Arrow Keys: Movement and Menu Navigation
  • Space: Menu Select

Gamepad Controls:

  • D-Pad or Left Stick: Movement and Menu Navigation
  • A: Menu Select

The game was programmed in Construct 3.

All art and sfx (c) copyright 2020, Tim Anfilofieff. It was made using Aseprite and LMMS respectively.

All music purchased from and (c) copyright, Andrey Sitkov.