Spooked in Space!



Frend got invited to a Halloween party in outer space, but space shuttle delays can be really awful, and he arrived late. Now he has to control inanimate objects and craft supplies to join back with his friend group!

For the GMTK game jam 2021, we worked on our own random stuff for a while before joining everything together to make a full game. Hope you enjoy it!

We took some extra time after the jam to fix bugs, improve the level design & audio mixing and add some details here and there


Arrow keys/WASD/L stick on a controller to move

that's it


Oh, and don't ever hit Enter... It breaks the game. Thanks :D



Jonas Tyroller: Level design, gameplay code

River Forge Games: Glue sound, system and gameplay code

Yän: 2D art, music, sound design, level design

Bonicle: Enviroment design, 3D modelling, materials

For more of our games, follow us here!

We posted all 3d models of this game on Sketchfab. You can view and download them for free here!