The Last Christmas Tree

Publicado 2023-06-12

Game jam entry: This game was created for the 2022 Toy Box Jam. This is game is not feature complete nor was it really playtested. It's a jam entry so take what you get :)

Grinches have destroyed all but one Christmas tree. You must help the elves save the last Christmas tree!

This is tower defense game where you can move blue tosser elves into any position while you also have to use the red scout elf to dig up snow and keep the tossers stocked with snowballs.

Tosser elves will attack automatically when the grinches are in range. The squares you dig up will slow the grinches down but those grass spots will get covered with snow after some time.

Green grinches are faster but weak. Red grinches are slower but stronger.

If a grinch reaches the Christmas tree it will attack until he dies. The Christmas tree has 100 health points. If it reaches zero, Christmas is lost forever.

There are 10 waves and that's about it. I didn't have time to add any sort of final boss or anything like that...I might go back. I also would have liked to add in more upgrades and things that would have made the strategy a little more...uh...strategic. But I'm happy and surprised I was able to get something this playable in a very short amount of time. All in all, I probably spent about a week on this one, and that was over holidays with lots of distractions :)

Overall, the concept of snow and snowballs for a tower defense game I thought was interesting. Since the snow can be the obstacle AND the ammo, that seemed like something to have fun with as far as resource management is concerned.