Foodkins, food collector

Publicado 2023-06-12


This is my first game of sorts. I made it for my preschooler and as a way for me to learn some P8 basics. There's not much to it. Presents release food, then collect all the food until you get them all. There's no end, per se, the collection goal just keeps going up. If this ends up being something she enjoys, I'll add things to it but if nothing else this is a great reference for my future projects.

And thanks to everyone here on the forums...I learned a lot about some the nuances of Lua and it came in handy.

I used the animation function from here:

I copied food sprites from here:

I couldn't find the thread where I got the collision function but thank you!

Once nice experience I had with this program was the refactoring. My first dive into this game was just hacking through new commands and learning. Once I got that to a workable state, I refactored it in about 2 hours to be pretty nicely laid out, IMHO. Still learning where to gain efficiencies but hey, it's a start.