"Exploring within the Hive of Moss" Glitchazoid plays Super Metroid, part 2

Published 2022-07-10
So Glitchazoid has made his way into Brinstar after getting confused with a seemingly unbreakable wall, but then he figured out that in this game, the bombs are the revealing item, it was very confusing at first but now we are back on a roll to capture the Baby Metroid.

Glitchazoid continues his hunt for Ridley within Zebes, getting deeper and deeper into the mossy domain of the vicious insects. The Morph ball contains another skill that he needs to advance, will he end up getting outplayed again by Mother Brain, or will he proving his smarts as a evil genius villian, let's find out.

Chapters (Please note that some of theses chapters were named like we're doing mission, it's our current goal)

0:00:00 Intro
0:02:30 Explore Brinstar
0:12:30 VS Spore Spawn
0:17:50 Found the Super Missiles
0:20:35 I found the charge beam, then I got lost and confused
0:46:08 I found my way past stupidity, now let's continue
0:57:19 Explore Norfair then find the Save Room
1:02:45 End

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