五步拳 · Wu Bu Quan (5 Stances Beginner Form / 1. Section)

This is an introduction and follow-along training session of 五步拳 · Wu Bu Quan, which can be translated as the 5 Stances Form / Practice. It is well known in the field of Shaolin Martial Arts as a beginners form which is often taught in the very initial states of Kung Fu practice❗️Continuous training of 五步拳 · Wu Bu Quan will strengthen the legs, improves rooting abilities and increase the sense of posture balancing❗️

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Shi Heng Yi belongs to the 35th Generation of Shaolin Masters and is the headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺 located in Germany.

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There's a final point for all of these practices:

Increase your life quality: Get less sick, Regenerate faster, Improve your vitality, Increase your health! Better sleep, less anxiety, more joy!

Enjoy your training!
#ShaolinTempleEurope #ShiHengYi #WuBuQuan

コメント (21)
  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WAYS TO SUPPORT THE MONASTERY ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please share your experience and give us 1 minute of your time to tell people around the world what type of impact the practices had on yourself and your life. You can write a review and leave your thoughts here -> bit.ly/3e13woW 🙏 Thank You
  • The fact that this dude is bringing this to public is such a gift. Also shows that he understands how badly this is needed in a world that’s just off its rocker.
  • Dearest Shi Heng Yi, I am a Hawaiian woman in my 70s, writing from Molokai, Hawaii and want to thank you first for your presence. Who you are speaks volumes with no words. And, thank you deeply for this opportunity to both listen to all the teachings you so eloquently and generously share, and for this rare and deeply appreciated time to experience these practices from my home in Hawaii. I bow down to you, and the Infinite and Beloved Universe, that lives in us both. Aloha nui Loa, and a Blessed Happy New Year ahead.
  • The last line, “ I care about helping you “, is what makes you precious and unique from the rest of the others given the whole context about “ How not to care “. You not only described from the roots of human desires, and how they are manifested but you also showed, “ What to care about, and what to not “ . I absolutely love you for this! More than any celebs out there because you’re doing a brilliant job. Again, take love ❤.
  • I've been doing this all week. I'm slowly seeing my form change and I'm creeping up on halfway through the video. I'm a 30 year old woman who has had very little discipline over the last 30 years and I'm ready to change that. Im ready to set a goal and really stick with it. Honestly life-changing. I'm not afraid of starting so weak bc I know I have so much room to prove to myself that I can do this. I will do this.
  • Deepest respects to this teacher. Such an incredibly detailed tutorial. An absolute masterclass. Thank you so much 💜
  • @wingrider1004
    My first time watching and doing and I made it through about one third of the video in my own awkward way. Yet. I feel invigorated and pleased that I am actually addressing my own shortcomings physically. I will never be a Shaolin monk, but I am hoping to benefit from their approach to life and physical well being. I am grateful for this man and his willingness to share the basics of his discipline.
  • The Master Shi don't have goals, He have a path.
  • This practice kicked my butt in a good way! Syncing breath and movement is truly an art on its own.
  • Querido y respetado maestro Shi Heng gracias a la pandemia encontré tus enseñanzas, hace más de dos años que practico a diario Qi gong y cambio mi físico mi mente y mi conexión espiritual. Tengo 60 años y por primera vez en mi vida me siento en el camino correcto. Gracias infinitas y que la vida te abrace con amor.
  • Thank you for your generosity of sharing this practice. You’re the true master to define our strength from within. God bless you Shi Heng Yi🙏☯️🌻
  • Thank you for this Shi Heng Yi. Wishing everyone peace in your heart, food in your belly, a roof over your head and plenty of energy for life, (and practise). Happy New Year everybody 🎉🎊🙏💖
  • Merci Shi Heng Hi pour tous ces entrainements! Merci aux élèves et au Temple Shaolin Europe! Heureuse Année 2022! Paix, Amour et Force à tous !
  • @omsnoopy
    Thank you Shi Heng Yi, for your heart shines forth as you teach!
  • @stuntman291
    I want to thank you i've been watching your videos all day, instead of studying for my exam tomorrow. I'm quiting my carreer to watch videos, thank you
  • Hello, Shi Heng Yi. I am a 58 year old woman from the UK. I came across this video today and I have to say a huge thank you, for this and hopefully, more videos for beginners. Sending thanks 😊 x
  • @satnamo
    Chuc mung Nam moi, Master Shi Heng Yi and Shaolin Temple Europe!
  • A most heartfelt thank you, Master Shi Heng Yi, for allowing me this window into Wu Bu Quan. I am trained in Karate, but as years advance, I realize Kung Fu is so much more wise for the body because it trains more flexibility and balance. With deepest gratitude. 🙏🏼 ❤ from 🇱🇷
  • Dear Master, its indeed always a pleasure and honor to see you teach and practice. Its so graceful and powerful. God bless.