17 Actors who are currently rotting in jail

Top 17 Actors Who Are Currently Rotting In Jail. Here is the tale of seventeen actors whose lives took a dark turn, leading them from the glitz and glamor of Hollywood to the cold, unforgiving confines of prison. These once-iconic performers now find themselves trapped in a different kind of reality—one where their own actions have cast them as the antagonists in their own tragic stories. As we delve into the shattered dreams and broken illusions, we witness the haunting transformation of these on-screen heroes into real-life villains, forever marked by their heinous crimes. Join us on a journey through the depths of their shattered lives, where the echoes of their past glories clash with the harsh realities of their present existence behind prison walls..

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コメント (21)
  • @isabel3559
    I watched this because Paul Teutle Sr was pictured from American chopper now I want to know what he did
  • Robert Downey Junior isn’t rotting in jail. NO! He just won an Oscar for Oppenheimer. Change your news! “Recovery rocks”
  • You showed a picture of Paul Teutui from Orange County Choppers; he wasn't arrested.
  • Skyler wasn't guilty of a botched robbery. It was a murder perpetrated and committed by himself and his friend who posed as his attorney, and his girlfriend who used her infant as a drawing/softening tool to get the couple out onto the boat for a "test-drive" so that he and his friend could murder the couple that were selling the boat to move close to their new grandchild. He wasn't mentally ill. He was cold, calculating, selfish, and dangerous. He tied the anchor and weights to their securely bound feet, duct taped them so they were unable to move, or struggle. They pushed them both off the boat, singularly, lots of chain on both victims, they had to watch each other die. Blaming ALL of these crimes on mental illness, denotes a serious lack of investigation on the part of whoever created these stories.
  • @Kosworth
    How silly is it that you'll get 15 years for murder, but 25 years for illegally modifying a firearm.
  • @alexg5513
    Duggers parents should also be charged as they were 100% complicit in his disgusting behaviour. They knew about it, it went on for years and even though they tried to get him help within the church they never informed the people who were the important ones.. The police. Laws should be brought in that you cannot use the church to deal with the situation.
  • @fredford7642
    We can only hope that Dugger gets another thirty years for his perverse nature. He is an absolute threat to society.
  • @Kidd23Kidds
    Danny Masterson — I think you meant to say that as of 2023, Danny is 47 and things going downhill for him. You said 2003. But Masterson got 30 years and I think the key has been thrown away in his case.
  • Why didn’t you talk about the Old guy in orange?! I hate these Chanel’s that do click baiting!
  • @mikeberry2332
    It was a dark and stormy night. A shot rang out. A door slammed. The maid screamed. A one-time no-name extra in a television series turned out to be a basket case and wrote threatening letters. Stay turned for more of these shocking DARK TURNS from the ritz and glamour of Hollywood fame to the cold, uncompromising gallows of prison hell.
  • Weinstien got what he deserved. He made disgraceful choices. He knew exactly what he was doing. 😢😢
  • @BackSeatHump
    The title of this video ought to be, "17 completely unknown people described with superlatives and fake drama".
  • @nessbabic570
    I get angered when people use depression as a reason. I've battled depression for decades and have sought to hurt no one. I do it day by day. Deepest condolences to the victims and their family and friends. 🙏
  • @skaizun
    For the record, I recognized only Masterson and Cosby. That leaves 15 in the vid of whom I've never even heard, before!
  • What about the father from Orange County Choppers...that is the one I wanted to see
  • @c.m.b.4868
    Came here for Paul Teutul Sr. Fortunately I was smart enough to check the description to see who was listed and not waste my time looking for something that wasn't there. But, one person should be here is Will Hayden from Sons of Guns. Always liked that show, even if he creeped me out. He always had a little bit of a sleazy look to him. Now we all know why.
  • so why show the chopper motorcycle guy in court and not follow up as promissed? thumbs down and reported
  • Shannon Richardson is truly evil! She was willing to let two men she probably did not know, die so she could get her ex in trouble! That's a whole other level!
  • @StumpyMcGee
    Drew Drexel , isn't an actor. Being on tv doesn't make you an actor.