Parasitic cleanse update - June 17, 2024

I THINK I’VE FOUND WORMS. A lot of them. (Sorry, I hope you didn’t just eat.) I used a plastic fork to fish out pale yellow stringy bits from my stool last night and this morning — most being about 1/2” - 1” long (some being 2” - 3”!). I did have raw pineapple yesterday afternoon (around 2 PM) and last night’s bowel movement was at around 10 PM…that’s not enough time to pass the pineapple, is it? Raw pineapple is a bit stringy, so could it have been partially undigested pineapple that I found in my stool? Some of the stringy bits in my stool did look like it had arms or other appendages, so I’m prone to think it was not undigested pineapple that I fished out.

I am feeling better. I’m walking with a bit more strength. No idea if it’s some kind of placebo effect, but maybe the colon hydrotherapy session I’m getting in a few days will shed some more insight. Will give another update then.

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