Robert Greene: A Process for Finding & Achieving Your Unique Purpose

Publicado 2023-12-04
In this episode, my guest is Robert Greene, multiple New York Times bestselling author and expert on human psychology and behavior both at the individual and group levels and in the context of relationships, careers, and society. We discuss how to find, pursue and achieve one’s unique life purpose, and how to best learn from good and hard experiences along that journey. We discuss power dynamics in relationships, the different types of human communication and the interplay between seduction and vulnerability. We discuss how to find the right romantic partner, improve healthy self-awareness, the link between anxiety and creativity, and pick ideal mentors and role models. Robert also discusses his recent stroke and what he has learned from his near-death experience about motivation, urgency and appreciation for life. Listeners of all ages will benefit from Robert’s insights on navigating the process of building a deeply purposeful life and enhancing one’s relationship with the self, others and society.

Thank you to our sponsors
Helix Sleep:
Waking Up:

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Robert Greene

Journal Articles
Distinct hypothalamic control of same- and opposite-sex mounting behaviour in mice:

"Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences":
"Bone Games: Extreme Sports, Shamanism, Zen, and the Search for Transcendence":

Other Resources
"How To Find Your Perfect Partner":    • How To Find Your Perfect Partner  

00:00:00 Robert Greene
00:01:58 Sponsors: ROKA, Helix Sleep & Waking Up
00:05:56 Mastery (The Book), Purpose
00:08:26 Finding Purpose, Childhood, Learning & Emotional Engagement
00:18:00 Early Interests, Delight & Discovery
00:22:50 Love vs. Hate Experiences & Learning
00:28:25 Self-Awareness, Frustration, Excitation
00:31:47 Sponsor: AG1
00:33:18 Sublime Experiences, Real vs. False; Authenticity & Time
00:43:57 Power & Relationships; Purpose & Mastery
00:55:51 Seduction, Vulnerability, Childhood
01:07:04 Sponsor: InsideTracker
01:08:05 Power Dynamics & Romance; Equality, Love Sublime & Connection
01:18:42 Vulnerability in Relationships, Creativity; Social Media, Justice
01:29:45 Outrage, Control, “Art of Ignore”
01:33:50 Masculinity & Femininity
01:42:16 Picking Role Models; Purpose & Mentor Relationship
01:51:07 “Alive” Thinking; Anxiety & Creativity
01:58:55 Convergent Interests & Romantic Relationships
02:07:19 Self-Awareness, Core Values & Romantic Relationships
02:15:27 Non-Verbal Communication & Relationships
02:24:58 Eyes, Voice, Intuition & Seduction
02:28:38 Virtual World, Social Skills, Non-Verbal Communication
02:32:19 Self-Awareness & Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Nuance
02:41:43 Human Brain, Plasticity
02:45:18 Stroke & Near-Death Experiences, Self, Time
02:55:49 Appreciation & Near-Death Experience, Urgency
03:01:36 “Death Ground” & Urgency
03:09:13 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

#HubermanLab #RobertGreene

Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac -


Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @user-oc2db7nm8o
    guys, find the forbidden ebook called derp money and you'll see how
  • I have always known exactly why I came here. Since I was a toddler I had to be around horses. In those days we lived on the outskirts of a city and a lot of people still used horses for deliveries (milk, bread etc).. Even though my family wasn't horsey at all I grew up keeping and following my dream... Sometimes it came at a cost of huge disputes with my parents who told me I was sure wasn't easy but I have managed....for the past 54 years I have been riding, training and eventually also teaching dressage. Owned my own horses as soon as I started to work. Rescued many horse from slaughter by re-training them, had a very nice national and international competition career, owned my own stud for 8 years and still now at 65 have 2 beautiful stallions. I have 2 diplomas and speak 6 languages.Whatever I set my mind to I achieve because I want it. Simple. Hopefully this inspires other people.
  • Being totally alone, hearing and reading the work from Robert Greene, has been life saving. Thank you immensely
  • @DirtyMable87
    There are so many adults that came from broken homes that ask themselves in their 30's and above "who am I?" This is because they spent their young life trying to survive, their young adult life trying to straighten up the mess and by the time they get old enough to realize, have no idea what they love to do. May they find their purpose swiftly❤️
  • @user-ne5fk7it1s
    I just want to say that I wouldn’t be the person I am today without this podcast. I was in a place where most people told me I’d be dead or in jail by 21, and one day I decided I wanted to learn more and found this podcast. I didn’t pay a lot of attention in school because I was a bad kid and teachers told me I was going to be in prison anyway so I didn’t see the point. Now I just finished my first semester of college majoring in computer science and I have straight A’s and feel better about myself. This is the episode I needed, switching your lifestyle completely kind of put me in an out of body situation and I’ve really been struggling with dissociation and depression and just finding meaning in life, but this episode really gave me a sense of drive and a feeling that I can do whatever I fully engage in. I am reading Mastery by Robert Greene and it is truly as powerful as you made it seem. It is pushing me to be a better version of myself. Thank you Andrew for all you do, you’re literally saving lives with this show.
  • Im 15 and really robert greene has really helped me in my life . Because of him i can make better decision act rational and im able to dodge so many problems which couldve made my life worse . And andrew really is just a guy filled and blessed with knowledge . Im really gratefull that i found you guys 🙌
  • Robert Greene is a gift to humanity, he came around enlightening us right when our society needed it the most. I’m Really grateful to live in his times❤
  • @janetmatte7991
    My son at 15 had a massive stroke, and was told he would never graduate from high school. He has a masters degree and is running his own company.....what we are most grateful for was the amazing people we met along the way. Nurses, therapists tutors, old friends who showed us the meaning of friendship in a whole new way and new friends. Thanks for the amazing podcast.
  • Robert Greene is such a mastermind. There are no self-help books that I enjoy reading more that his books.
  • @abbeymockus6298
    The fact that I’m coming across this video at this moment is profound to me. Here’s why- within the past few years I’ve been struggling more than ever to find my purpose, to know who I am, what I want, etc.. I’m almost 27 and it feels like life has flown by and I keep waiting for something to fall into my lap or for someone to guide me to what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. I’ve always loved the arts- acting, film, writing, etc., and have been lucky enough to have had some experience on film sets and such. I have not tuned into that part of me for a while due to just needing a paycheck and I have been panicking because I feel so unfulfilled with where I currently am in my life. Last week I had brought that up in therapy and actually had my second panic attack - which was scary..but then I experienced peace afterwards, because suddenly it was like my inner child just knew what she has been needing to hear for so long. She needed to hear that she IS capable of her dreams, that she CAN do whatever she wants to, and that nobody can decide that for her. I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to being able to faithfully pursue my purpose. Anyways- thought I’d share. Good luck to everyone.
  • @AinuOki
    I don’t think that it is ever too late to find your purpose. I am almost 60, and I have finally found and put the pieces together and it is invigorating! You become more of a guide for others who are looking for their purpose. You begin to share your findings. I am still discovering the depths of my soul!
  • Nice to see Robert Greene on the podcast. He has inspired many people; including myself.💯
  • @freedphoenix444
    Thank you for such a valuable discussion. I am newly sober and trying to crawl out of my past 20 years of alcohol addiction, which ultimately, at nearly 40, has left me with nothing but an entire life to mould anew. I am revisiting my passion for native Australian wildlife and all things fauna, flora and ecology, and I think, after listening to this, that I might be on the right track to reconnecting with my life's purpose. I am also re-inspired to finish my first book, a project which began several years ago but got somewhat derailed by my poor life choices. So, thank you. I love your podcast, and the remarkable guests you have on the show. Yourself, Dr Anna Lembke, Rich Roll and now Robert Greene have unwittingly become my new mentors (even if it's a one sided mentorship!) I am very grateful to you for opening up my world again in such a positive way. Peace ✌️.
  • @DecodingTheStorm
    Thank you, Andrew and Robert. Great conversation🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 08:43 🌱 Finding one's purpose involves reconnecting with the unique inclinations and passions identified in early childhood, resisting external pressures, and staying true to one's primal interests. 10:37 🧠 The concept of "impulse voices" in early childhood directs individuals towards their inherent strengths and inclinations, which, when identified, can serve as a powerful source of purpose and direction. 19:23 🌱 Self-discovery involves recognizing early seed emotions that ignite a visceral sensation, signaling a potential life purpose. 24:49 🧠 Both positive and negative experiences shape our interests and pursuits, influencing our path towards our purpose. 20:46 🌐 Personal fulfillment often stems from a deep emotional connection to certain activities or interests, creating a constant source of delight. 29:03 🌊 Paying attention to deeper, more profound aspects of oneself, rather than immediate pleasures, is essential for self-awareness and finding purpose. 35:01 🌌 Puberty marks a significant transformation in the brain and life, altering perspectives, responsibilities, and learning capacity. 39:20 🧠 The difference between false and real Sublime experiences: False experiences like aggression and addictions are temporary illusions, while the real Sublime, a transformative and lasting feeling, is connected to human nature's deep part. 44:33 💼 Power, seduction, and purpose: Power is essential in relationships, seen as a resource, and involves influencing others subtly. Seduction is rooted in human nature, often tied to taboos, and implies an exchange. Finding purpose aligns with one's innate strengths, contributing to a sense of power and connection. 01:00:39 💡 Importance of Childhood Influences: Childhood experiences, fairy tales, and interactions with parents deeply shape one's susceptibility to seduction. 01:02:18 🤝 Vulnerability and Confidence: Allowing oneself to be vulnerable implies confidence, as it involves the trust to return to oneself after being influenced by others. 01:09:16 💑 Power Dynamics in Seduction: The Art of Seduction was conceptualized as an art invented by women to wield power over men through seduction and theatrical effects. 01:11:20 ⚖️ Power and Equality in Love: There's an exploration of love without power dynamics, emphasizing equality, connection, and the biological desire to deeply connect with someone. 01:19:03 🌐 Modern Societal Dynamics: Drawing parallels between the landscape of politics and social dynamics, the lack of vulnerability hinders the setting aside of egos and inhibits the union of people. 01:21:23 🗝️ Robert Greene emphasizes the positive dynamics of vulnerability, framing it as a pleasurable and healthy attribute that can impact not only romantic relationships but also mental and creative aspects of life. 01:22:47 🧠 Escape the Prison of the Ego: Greene discusses the concept of escaping the self-imposed prison of the ego, encouraging openness to others, vulnerability, and letting go of defense mechanisms for personal growth and meaningful experiences. 01:25:43 🌐 Social Media Impact: Greene discusses the negative effects of social media, expressing hope that people will become disenchanted with disconnection and alienation, turning towards more real and communal interactions, preserving the human spirit against technological influences. 01:28:15 🚫 Selective Ignorance: Greene emphasizes the importance of learning to ignore certain things in modern life, suggesting that constant exposure to negative content on social media can distract from deeper purposes and drain energy. 01:36:18 ⚖️ Masculinity and Femininity: Greene addresses the confusion around gender roles, pointing out the need for positive models of masculinity and femininity. He highlights the importance of inner strength, resilience, and quiet confidence as traits to venerate in masculinity. 01:39:14 🌐 Lack of Role Models: Greene reflects on the challenges of today's youth growing up without clear role models for positive masculinity and femininity, expressing a sense of loss in the absence of such guiding figures. 01:39:27 🍽️ The overwhelming variety of options in expressing masculinity and femininity, especially in the age of social media, raises the challenge of choosing one's identity and role models wisely. 01:41:05 🔄 Selecting role models is crucial in personal development. Creating a patchwork of influences, rather than adhering to a single ideal, allows for a more balanced and adaptable self-discovery. 01:43:36 📚 Mastery, as a guide, emphasizes the importance of finding mentors and role models for personal and professional growth. It involves the ongoing process of seeking positive qualities in others and integrating them into one's life. 01:45:41 🤝 Building relationships with mentors is not a passive act; it requires courage, engagement, and a genuine connection. The mentor-mentee relationship can be a powerful tool for rewriting one's family history and finding positive influences. 01:49:10 🚀 Having a clear sense of purpose in life serves as a filter for navigating choices in various aspects, from career to social media consumption. Purpose guides decision-making and helps in allocating energy to meaningful pursuits. 01:54:00 🧠 Managing anxiety is crucial for creative thinking. The ability to withstand the discomfort of uncertainty allows for the refinement and development of ideas, turning them from dead concepts into alive, personal creations. 01:55:36 📝 The creative process, as described by Robert Greene, involves significant internal turmoil and anxiety. Pushing through this discomfort leads to the transformation of initial ideas, resulting in a fulfilling sense of accomplishment. 01:56:46 🖋️ Greene's writing process is marked by an initial phase of self-doubt and dissatisfaction with the work. However, the persistence in pushing through anxiety results in continuous improvement and the eventual achievement of a high-quality outcome. 01:58:12 📚 Robert Greene discusses the challenges of writing a book and the anxiety associated with setting and achieving milestones in various domains of life. 02:05:07 ⚖️ Emotional connections and shared values are vital for a successful, lasting relationship, beyond superficial factors like physical attraction. 02:07:54 🧠 Self-awareness is crucial in choosing a compatible partner; understanding one's character and values helps in finding a lasting connection. 02:13:48 🗣️ Non-verbal communication, including body language and facial expressions, plays a significant role in understanding a person's true character and detecting authenticity. 02:17:13 😄 Sense of humor is a crucial component in a relationship; compatibility in humor, along with non-verbal communication, contributes to the success of a romantic partnership. 02:19:05 🤔 Pay attention to non-verbal communication by muting words, observing behavior, and detecting cues like posture, smiles, and eye expressions. 02:20:13 🧠 Milton Ericson, paralyzed at 19, mastered non-verbal communication by observing people during his paralysis, learning different forms of yes, no, and various expressions. 02:23:24 🕵️ Detecting genuine vs. fake smiles is crucial in understanding people, especially in romantic relationships, helping avoid toxic connections. 02:24:48 👀 Recognizing "dead eyes" in narcissists is vital, as it reflects a lack of genuine interest and helps avoid toxic relationships. 02:27:46 🎙️ Subcortical courtship: The influence of a person's voice, especially that of a mother, plays a significant role in seduction and emotional impact. 02:36:46 🧠 The danger of relying on AI: Depending solely on tools like ChatGPT might bypass the essential cognitive process of thinking, challenging oneself, and achieving deeper understanding. 02:37:27 🧠 Robert emphasizes the danger of becoming overly reliant on AI and technology, urging people to develop and use their brains actively. 02:41:47 🧠 Robert highlights the incredible complexity and plasticity of the human brain, advocating for the recognition and worship of this remarkable organ over technology. 03:01:25 ⏳ Urgency and finding one's purpose are discussed, with Greene emphasizing the need to escape apathy and laziness, and to pay deeper attention to surroundings and oneself. 03:02:32 ⚔️ Introducing the concept of "death ground," Greene explains how pressure and urgency can be powerful motivators, drawing inspiration from Sun Tzu's strategic thinking. 03:03:54 🏔️ Greene shares a story about a mountain climber to illustrate the extraordinary energy and focus that arise under life-threatening situations. 03:06:48 🙏 Expressing gratitude, the host acknowledges Robert Greene's profound impact on people's lives through his books and various channels, commending the valuable
  • @JPDoesLeague
    I want to cry. I'm 26 and I know I've repressed my strengths for a job that I feel stuck in that I have never felt connected to. I am going to reassess my plan and goals. Thank you so much both of you for this amazing podcast.
  • @DillonColtMusic
    I'm 37 years old, this motivates me to keep learning guitar and finish the songs I've been writing.
  • @immukohonen7871
    The words of Robert Greene shake me to a wake state literally. I was listening in this in my bed...I fall a sleep. Then I started to wake up several times, always going back to light sleep while Robert was talking. Unbeliavable experience, like listening God. Thank you God for saving Robert Greene from the stroke!
  • @MalcomXrp
    Most people dont realize that puberty last from like 11 to 25. It's Important that once you reach 26 you make the conscious decision to really question everything you've learned during your developmental stage and push yourself to develope new thoughts and ideas. Basically a mental reboot centered around what you know to be true rather then what you have been told is true by others while growing up.