An idiot’s guide on how to proxy 30k models into 40K

Publicado 2023-11-01
Enjoy my first terrible edited video, this one was procrastinated for for a while now.

Enjoy and take care

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Spacefrisian
    I just use my Tactical marines as Tactical Marines.
  • @mayofrench5170
    For more nobrainers, the Land Raider Proteus, Deimos Predator and Rhino are basically direct port overs if equipped with 40K weapons. Also Tactical Squads can be taken as Tactical Squads.
  • @Barrlounge
    Cries in Chaos at all the stuff that got taken from us that can't be proxied back in
  • @falloutgod1073
    Me using the legends rules because I play with my friends
  • @km1157
    My God, the heresy model kits look a whole lot better than the 40 K ones.
  • Here's some of the ones I use because I have a Horus Heresy + 40k army that I started: Land speeders as land speeders Jump packs as jump packs Jet bikes as bikes (have to run heavy bolters for the twin bolter) Deimos Rhino as Rhino Deimos Predator as predator (do the right loadout) Deimos land raider as land raider (do the right loadout) Whirlwind scorpios as whirlwind Sicarian venator as a gladiator lancer Sicarian punisher as a gladiator reaper Sabre tanks as ATVs or land speeders Kratos as repulsor executioner
  • You could go the uber-bigbrain route of playing them as csm with easily allow for most of the loadouts
  • @tenletters5889
    Breachers can work as heavy intercessors or as a regular tactical squad attached to some defensive character like a librarian
  • @MDonuT-of7px
    I use the Age of Darkness Box set as the basis for my CSM list. I like using Breachers as Posessed and giving them a Grey Knights polearm, because I really Really like the breacher model and the shield represents the additional toughness and the invulnerable save for me. Plus, the idea of ten dudes in MKIII carrying a polearm and a tower shield running full speed at the enemy is just funny to me.
  • I just use my 40k world eaters as 30k proxies. Nobody seems to complain and we just pretend were playing siege of terra era. I have a shitload of berzerkers and eightbound/exalted and just proxy them as ravagers or legionaires and use my hellbrutes as dreadnoughts. I would start a horus heresy WE army but it’s nearly impossible to get all the upgrade and legion bits for them without paying 2-5$ PER SINGLE PIECE on ebay since GW can’t be bothered to keep anything I want in stock. The only 30k models I have is 2 squads of red butchers because for whatever reason we don’t have WE specific terminators yet. I also kitbashed fabius bile into a berzerker surgeon/WE apothecary. Personally I think it makes more sense canonically to have 40k world eaters as 30k WE. They fell pretty quickly to khorne and I think it is very fitting for both games. But I never play competitively I just like to collect, build and paint and play when I can.
  • @Psychosurgeonpls
    side note, breaches CAN be used as regular troops, ESPECIALLY when it makes sense, i run them as regular legios for my iron warriors which in lore LOVED these guys and use them regularly. just convey to your opponent that the shields do nothing
  • @dickassley5171
    I was NOT expecting the ULTRAKILL noise at the beginning, instant like
  • @casmd2131
    Lol, one of the first things I did when I got into space marines for 40K a couple months ago was get the age of darkness box set because I liked the beaky helmets. I proxy the two praetors as captains or lieutenants depending on what I need. I made and painted two squads of ten marines each, one I proxy as a tactical squad and the other as a hellblaster squad. I still haven’t decided what I’m gonna try and proxy the other twenty as yet since I have a huge pile of shame to work through. I also got some dark Angel 30k models I’m planning on proxying as blade guards.
  • @ssenrak8117
    I don't know how to tell you that, but I needed this kind of serious shitpost content
  • @101Phase
    The Contemptor is a bit awkward because it's bigger than a classic dread but smaller than a Redemptor. I would personally proxy a Leviathan with ranged weapons as a Redemptor. The Deimos Predators can possibly proxy as Gladiator tanks. The Land Raider Proteus and Spartan Assault tanks can both proxy as 40K land raiders, although it's a little awkward because the former is a little smaller and the latter is a little bigger. The Kratos can MAYBE proxy as a Repulsor Executioner (I'm not 100% sure about the size difference. I think the Kratos is a bit shorter overall) If we're going to use Mk4 as regular intercessors, then a squad with flamers can count as Infernus marines and a squad with plasma guns can count as Hellblasters I would personally kit the Mk3 marines with Rotor Cannons if I proxy them as Heavy Intercessors and melta guns for Eradicators (mix in Heavy Bolters and Multi-meltas for the heavy weapon options). They would also need to be mounted on a larger base
  • @keulron2290
    What about Praetors. Could I turn those into Captains or Lieutenants?
  • @limbo8497
    You could use the Breacher Squads as Heavy Intercessors. It'd work, even with a bit of hand waving.