
コメント (21)
  • The worst thing is tho is the second day because u don't know if u can sit with the same person again
  • I’m moving to a new school and I don’t wanna be THAT girl that sits alone😢
  • I feel like moving in the middle of the school year is easier because people will know that you're new and offer to hang out with you. Then there's me, moving right before the year starts
  • "hey, we don't have friends, let's sit somewhere" xD laughing bc that's probably me in a few weeks
  • @softypapa
    Thank you for making these videos. My daughter is 14 and about to start high school in not only a new school but an entirely new country. I will share her videos with you as I think they may help her. Thanks again for taking the time to share with us. I think you are doing a wonderful thing. :-)
  • Listen I'm moving and I've been threw all this crap 🙄 so here are some tips : 1.ask a girl/boy who seems really cool or chill/funny/nice or whatever at your class and tell them "hey! Can I sit with u at lunch? omg ! Btw those are so cute *point at shoes or something " 2.DONT ACT SHY! (It's hard I KNOW) but yea 3.act super nice! (Not to nice but nice) 4.Make sure u ask about 2 people if you can sit with them cause sometimes THAT ONE PERSON IS LIKE "omg so sorry all the seats are taken " so then you go with the other person
  • ok.. soo im a 14 year old girl.... going into 9th grade. ...... im am sooo terrified that people wouldnt wanna talk to me.... :"(
  • ...i just spend the lunch time in the library and just wait til i get home to eat.
  • What I did at lunch was sit on my the bench and read, no conversation, no friends, just me staring at an open book
  • This video is so much help! I'm moving and I don't know anyone and the anxiety is reaaaaaal
  • Im moving mid High school and I'm just so tempted to skip lunch
  • So I'm moving to a new school for my freshman year. I'm transferring to a huge public school where I don't know anyone. The thing is that it's multiple schools combining, so people who see me won't know that I'm new, they'll just assume I went to a different school. If everyone assumes that, everyone will assume I already have friends... What do I do?
  • It's unfortunate that all these people in the comment section that don't have friends aren't where I am. LIKE WE'RE ALL ALONE, TOGETHER.
  • I start a new school today and I'm so scared o don't like starting conversations sooo i probably won't ask to sit with anyone my plan is to just not eat and sit alone cause I honestly don't want to do anything else 😂
  • aha these comments are from many years ago- most of these ppl have graduated
  • I was bullied in 6th grade but i switched to homeschooling and now I'm switching back to a public school... can u like maybe make a video on that? Kinda a topic about socializing and first impressions?
  • Me talking to myself: well here we go again... Looks at people, My brain cells Nah sis we gon sit alone we don’t need them people