American Empire

Published 2014-07-03

All Comments (21)
  • @sackixfilms8950
    “The American Indian reservations are probably a story for another time” Me five years later:
  • @ethanburack8840
    “The US ran out of destiny to manifest, so they’re looking for more destiny.”
  • @companymen42
    America be like “Congratulations! You are now a part of America, please do no resist.”
  • @vardz3120
    "The United States are shockingly a bunch of states that are united" Shocking indeed
  • Suggestion: if it ever looks like Puerto Rico's going to become a state, buy stock in flag companies. There'd likely be a massive surge in flag sales as people try to update their flags.
  • I was shocked when I found out that the United States is a bunch of states ... united
  • @jgolfer0514
    Puerto Rico is pretty much Anakin “you are accepted into the council but are not granted the rank of state”
  • Also the Philippines once a part of the U.S though “peaceful” conquest
  • @bonboll5012
    Everyone: "You cant simply have these islands by saying u own them" US: pulls out Guano Island Act "I didnt say it, i declared it"
  • USA: "I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new Empire!" Britain: "YOUR new Empire?"
  • america 200 years ago: "i hate you imperialist british! i declare independance!" (200 years later) america: "MmmMMmmMM hummina hummina come to me islands"
  • @FestusOmega
    "Mine, I declare." Our finest and oldest tradition.
  • @jimi5014
    as a citizen from Guam, i’d like to humbly add that we were “discovered” by the spanish, then taken by the US, then taken by the japanese, then taken back by the US. si yu’os ma’ase
  • @simonkr844
    “Denmark sold her” that line feels so weird to hear with the style of animation you’re doing
  • @kawsakiTV
    I didn’t know Congress was made up of blonde cheerleaders... This explains everything
  • @susanlowy3947
    5:32 Not sure if pointed out already, but Micronesia is on the Marshall Islands and Vice Versa.
  • I just love how states are always represented by lady stick figures.
  • @deet0109mapping
    When you showed an EU map with the UK all "I'm outie!," that was the ULTIMATE forshadowing.