Reacting to iamLucid's Garbage Anti-Evolution Video

Published 2023-03-13
What in the Sam Hill is this? Dave is doing a reaction video? How can this be? Well, a number of people had directed me to a really terrible anti-evolution apologetics video made by a channel named "iamLucid". Upon taking a quick glance I decided that it did not merit the effort of a full debunk, but it dawned on me to try a reaction style format, as I knew this would be way lower maintenance, yet still offer an opportunity to expose and debunk. Thus the experiment begins! If you like this video please let me know, and I will do some more in the future! It was quite easy to do.

Original video I am reacting to:    • Evolution: School’s Biggest Lie  

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All Comments (21)
  • @sophs8548
    "Homo erectus can’t be the ancestor of homo sapiens because they existed simultaneously" wait until you hear about parents and grandparents, my guy
  • My favorite part is when he says "Darwin was an evil racist monster!" and then later in the video says "Darwin believed in God so he's on our side!" like ok bro you said it not me
  • @daltronius
    "guys the baking process doesnt exist, it just is a cake. in agreement with my hypothosis, i put all the materials to "bake" a cake in the oven for 10 seconds and nothing happened. your move "bakers"."
  • "Darwin was a racist and a eugenicist, but also he believed God made the universe, and he must be right"
  • @Sound557
    “Evolution is real but only ever happens on much smaller scales” is like saying I believe in inches and yards but not miles.
  • @Nidair
    Only a creationist can't understand that you and your grandfather can be alive at the same time.
  • @LilBlakestein
    I love how creationists use the words "Darwinism" and "Evolution" interchangeably. Showcases the extent of their knowledge
  • @vonneely1977
    Funny how he fails to mention the incredible number of religious artifact finds that turned out to be fake. To be more precise, 100% of them.
  • @thekwjiboo
    What really frustrates me is the sheer arrogance of the anti-science crowd. They truly think that they can put in zero effort and spend zero time learning very complicated topics, then pretend like the zero time and effort they've invested somehow makes it so they know more about these subjects than people who have dedicated their entire lives to the study of them. I mean, the narcissism of "my 20 minutes of Google searches beats your 30 years of education and experience" is sickening.
  • @mjjoe76
    Dave at the start: “I might have fun debunking it”. Dave at the end: exasperated at the stupidity.
  • @matiascruz1270
    You know what I find wild? My mother wasn’t afforded a good education and was raised baptist in the Appalachia foothills. She’s the first to admit she isn’t very clever and her less than stellar schooling didn’t help. But she does something that none of these people ever have: she admits that just because she doesn’t and likely never will understand evolution doesn’t mean it isn’t true. She can’t wrap her mind around it no matter who frames it or how, she admits it makes no damn sense to her and God seems like a simpler answer, but then she also says that she knows just because she doesn’t get it doesn’t mean it isn’t real. These people could learn a lot from her and her humility tbh. I don’t understand advanced trig worth a damn but I’m not about to call someone a liar for trying to teach me about integrals
  • @asteroidrules
    It sounds like he seems to think that "extinction event" means literally every lifeform was completely wiped out, rather than it just being a period of time where the extinction rates were higher than normal.
  • @silentcaay
    For the record, the "1 pig's tooth" he was referring to was Nebraska Man. Long story, short: some guy found a tooth, asserted it was a prehistoric human tooth without evidence, scientists said, "Show some proof.", and even though the guy never did, a magazine picked up the story and commissioned an artist to create a drawing of Nebraska Man for their article. It was eventually discovered that the tooth was from a peccary (by scientists, go figure) and that's about the end of it. The entire hoax existed outside of the scientific community so it's completely irrelevant to the topic of human evolution.
  • @MGMarkov
    It is just insane that guys like this read 2 hours in wiki, didn't understand 95% of what they read and now they explain why the people studying the topic their entire life are wrong :)
  • @KarldorisLambley
    "he is not dead, i saw him at vegas" now im seeing you and dawkins playing blackjack.
  • @pangln
    He turned the comments off on his video because people were calling him out
  • Funny how many times these people say things like "____ can't just mAgIcAlLy and SpOnTaNeOuSlY occur" and yet the basis for all of their beliefs is things being created magically and spontaneously.
  • @WileECoyoteYM
    I was gonna say he seems miss guided and needs better education in this field but once he started talking like an influencer, all my sympathy went out the window.
  • the original vid had 140 thousand views. this one's got 1 million. At least most people make sense.
  • @FurTheWorkers
    I have never seen a creationist ever even attempt to explain the physical mechanics that would prevent small changes from "micro-evolution" from building up into speciation.